7 - I already know who he is

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He knew her so well. Where everyone else just saw the regular, cool Jax, working her butt off, Seonghwa saw the tiny smirk on her face. It was well hidden, but Seonghwa recognized it. It made him smirk as well, though he wasn't as good at hiding it as she was.

«Stop that,» she said when they walked alone down the corridor towards the dressing room.

«Stop what?»

«You're thinking dirty thoughts, mr Park.»

«Indeed I am,» he agreed, trying to hide a smile when they passed someone. Luckily it was someone they didn't work with, who probably didn't even speak Korean.

«Well, don't.»

«But someone mentioned a fantasy last night, and I can't stop thinking about it.»

«That sounds like a you-problem.»

«It's not a problem,» he said, looking at her for just a moment. «I'm enjoying it.»

«I can tell.»

He looked down at himself and cursed. She giggled happily but stifled it quickly. She made sure to keep going down the corridor as Seonghwa entered the dressing room where the others were. He had to sit down to hide the predicament, leaning forward and using his phone. Jongho looked at him with a suspicious frown.

They finished late that night. They were all exhausted, but Seonghwa knew he would never be able to fall asleep. He needed something first. And the person he went to in these situations was looking at him across the room with laughter in her eyes. Fuck, she knew him too well.

In the car back to the hotel he texted her.

«Free tonight?»

«Yup.» The answer came quickly.

«Can I come over?»

«Yup. Give me time to shower first.»

«Ofc. Do you want me to bring anything? Anyone?»


«To fulfill your fantasy, maybe?»

«That was a one-time thing.»

«Yeah, true. I'll come alone.»

«Would he want to?»

«He wants to.»

«You asked?»


«But I'm not letting you dom tonight.»

«That's fine.»

«Also, no blindfold.»

«I'll have to check if he's comfortable with that.»

«Sure. But I already know who he is.»

Seonghwa raised his eyebrows as he was texting. «How?»

«First morning after, I saw him before makeup. He had a bite mark on his hand.»




«Fuck indeed. But let him know I'll keep pretending like nothing if he rejects the offer. It's no problem.»

Vanilla // Ateez // CJH x PSH x fem reader *m*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant