242 | Trust Me

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EVERYONE TALKED ABOUT the incident at the Dining Hall earlier. It was the only thing the students talked about that some of the professors even started threatening them that if they ever mentioned that incident again, they'd get punished.

     No one expected that a mere brotherhood like PHD could have the power to kick someone out of the entire school. But while everyone was busy talking about how terrifying the ex-princes genuinely are, there was a particular group of White Uniforms who...

     Didn't really seem to care.

     "Have you guys started cleaning the cafeteria?" Max asked while he and Keigo were in the laundry room, washing bed sheets that were so dirty that Max couldn't help but gag.

     "I think they're planning to do that last. We're all still cleaning our individual rooms, and then we'll clean the halls and the bathrooms after. Stefan also called for maintenance to fix the pipes so the toilets won't clog anymore," Keigo explains.

     Max nods his head and takes a seat to catch his breath after cleaning all night. While waiting for the laundry to finish, he looks down to check his wounded hands. After two days, it seems to be healing much better. But while Max stares at the bandages, he spots the bracelet he's wearing and instantly remembers what Vesper told him.

     Gavriil is a dangerous man, and Max is very much aware of that fact. He has seen the bruises in his knuckles and how his eyes would sometimes feel distant. He's also careful with him as if he's afraid of messing things up. Max couldn't help but wonder...what are the things that Gavriil is willing to do for his sake?

     "I can't believe the Prince Law still applies here. Everyone wouldn't stop talking about it," Keigo suddenly says, making Max snap back to his senses so he can look back at his friend.

     "You're PHD's underling, right? Do you know anything about that?" Max asks him, and Keigo takes a deep breath before staring at the washing machine in front of him.

     "To be honest, I don't. I just heard from Blade that when President Janus proposed the Prince Law to Kim Hee-joon, he was given a condition. I'm not entirely sure what that condition might be, but all I know is that the condition still applies here," Keigo explains, making Max tilt his head to the side, his expression showing confusion.

     "Condition...what type of condition would my uncle make for PHD to freely use the Prince Law," Max wonders, and all Keigo could do was shrug his shoulder.

     Max doesn't know why everything seems to be connected. PHD, Paradox, and even the Ministry in St. George Academy. All of them seem to be connected in one way or another, but it's still a literal mess. Max couldn't help but look over his objectives again.


(1) Help serfs produce 50,000 merit points for next week's tax collection.

(2) Find clues on who's working with Payton Wolfe.

(3) Prove there was foul play to get PHD back in J.S High.

(4) Ask about the previous president who proposed the Divisions Program. (Old Saints President: Klyde Vitus Von Hatzfeld, brother of Klaus, member of Paradox)

- Serfs mistreatment(?)...why are serfs treated like this?

- House of Bishops' involvement with PARADOX (Klaus & Klyde Vitus Von Hatzfeld)


- Do all this in 1 MONTH: April 22, deadline.

     Everything was overwhelming, and if you look through the objectives, you might even think that nothing makes sense. But Max knows. He knows that all this has a definite solution. He just has to find out what.

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