002. Breaking the News

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Thirteen days until The Man takes over.


The following morning felt hectic. Various emotions rushed through Rory's head — fear for the future of her job and favorite job in the world and anxiety to see how her co-workers would react. She knew everyone loved For The Record as much as she did, so telling them sounded horrible. 

Though Rory would appreciate how the day started — the clouds drifted gently as the sun shone warmly against Lockwood, and everyone seemed cheerful, she couldn't bring herself to have that same emotion. So, when she walked through that door, she wore a frown, and when Rory was frowning, you knew something was wrong. 

Michelle, the chosen opener for the morning, was busy applying eyeliner through a compact mirror to notice Rory's arrival. A smile grew on her face when she saw her — but it quickly retracted when she recognized her expression.

Michelle turned down the Lush album she was blasting and furrowed her eyebrows. "Hey, Ro, you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," Rory lied. "Well, I'll tell you when everyone else is here."

It was 10 a.m., and the call time was usually 10:15. Some employees came late, especially Damon and Bowie. 

"Where's Danny?" Rory questioned, preparing the store for opening. She took a broom in the supply closet and swept the floor, sparking a conversation between the only person there. 

"He's shreddin'." Michelle jutted a thumb to his music room, a place only Danny was permitted to go to. It had a glass window, revealing the owner rocking out to a song Rory couldn't hear. She giggled at the sight before her ears perked up to the doors' bells jingling.  

The pair noticed Althea waving kindly at them before setting her bags down. "Hi, guys!" She greeted before dropping her things off. Michelle stopped Althea when she went to the register.

"I thought I was handling the customers with Damon today," she murmured curiously. 

"Could we switch? Just for today, Thea. Please," she begged, closing her hands. 

Althea raised an eyebrow. "Why? Is it because Ellie is coming today?" 

Ellie Kingston was Michelle's customer crush since day one. They've been aware of each other since high school, and Michelle's liked her since the day Ellie asked her for a pencil during sophomore year. It's been awfully painful to watch her pine over this girl, and all of her co-workers have been urging her to ask her out.

The blonde girl stammered, shrugging off her horrible lying. "What, no! I-"

The other girls cut Michelle off with laughter as she crossed her arms in annoyance. "You don't have to lie to us, Michelle. We know you like her," Rory said teasingly. "You've got her entire schedule memorized."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2023 ⏰

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