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Hunter had learned what most people hadn't before he could write proper sentences. Observation was the key to survival, having a hyper awareness of the people around you was essential. It was what kept his little sister growing up with less bruises, less harsher words from their mother, when he was ten and Bambi six; he knew it was better to make Bambi's afternoon snack on his own.

He didnt like the way his sisters scream pitched through their kitchen when Bianca tangled her daughters hair in her hands and yanking until her little body almost dangled off the floor. All because his sister wanted something as lucidly as apple slices.

There are three version of a person, one they display to the public, one reserved for family and then the truth. Bianca was master of all three, she was raised in wealth and so to the public she was the doting daughter, to her parents she was another burden, a rebellious mental patient refusing her meds while they dusted everything she did in under the rug with a gold plated broom and money that smelt of guilt. The truth was something twisted and dark that Bullet believed whole heartedly killed his father.

Bianca was a demon, one that Bullet refused to continue to live with. There wasnt a nerve ending in his body that didnt scream and turn to ice when he thought of his mother, a foul taste constant at the back of his throat as he thought of her living in peace while still orchestrating chaos and hell for him and his sister under the table.

Bear had told Bambi it was a rival club, just an act in anger towards the club so the weight of the truth didnt suffocate his sister. Bambi was kind and selfless almost to a dangerous level, a faulty level; Hunter and her husband knew that, but they also knew she wasnt stupid. He could see it in the way her eyes dimmed and her body turn rigid when they told her, the shelter was meant to be as just that. Shelter, for woman seeking sanctuary from their abusers. It took Bambi an entire summer to find the right building and from there he had watched his sister work night in and day out to create a haven, and she had. A two story building with the works and a club tied to it for protection, the devils horn enigma plaster in a clear embolism on the front window, drawn by Bambi herself with softer colors and corners to look more welcoming.

It was like seeing that heartbroken little girl, face darkened with a bruise that would be visible until their father showed back up again- watching Bambi have to call the two clients she had staying in a hotel to tell them the shelter was burned to the ground. The entire two story building, the beds, dishes, furniture and even paperwork meant to help these women get a new start was burned to nothing but a charred structure and ash.

Hunter didnt even have to see the building to know it was his mothers doing, a vain attempt to lash back out at the delivery of bullets sent to her with her name carved into it. Wherever she seemed to flee to, a bullet would soon follow after. Her name scraped in it with a precision only someone with an intent to use it would have.

It wasnt until Keys provided the information of a wedding and honeymoon in Cancun to one of the forty faces among California's senators. Hunter imagined his mother manipulating her way into the circle of politics there and testing the waters of each male in with the title senator next to him name before finding one foolish enough to get close enough for her to sink her claws into him.

Bullet watched with an impassive face as they exited the airport, hands clutched together. His mothers dirty blonde hair looking lighter against her tanned skin, expensive name brands adorn her body as she smiled at her new found victim like he was the love of her life.

He gave them the day, waited until their driver took them home. Watched as said driver slurped down a can of coke and a burrito, stepped out for a smoke. Having traded his Bike for a rental, the BMW seeming to blend in with the posh neighborhood parked at the very end of the neighborhood parked behind a Tesla in the cul-de-sac, Bullet went unnoticed as the driver enjoyed his extended break. Before the man, Senator James Pritchard emerged again from his house two hours later with a briefcase. Bianca standing at the door a smile etched into her face as she waved her husband off.

The house wants nothing he wouldnt expect from someone as greedy as Bianca Pritchard. The moment his boots stepped over the threshold, a staff member holding a tray of wine flutes scream pierced through the coldness of the house shattering glass following quickly after like wicked windchimes. "Mrs- Mrs.-!" The older woman couldnt even get the words out as she stared at the massive man in front of her, the leather cut on his shoulders sent the alarms bells in her head ringing.

"Tell her to come down stairs, please." Bullet watched the poor woman clutch at her chest like she was going to have a heart attack, pulling his hands in front of him, the only display he could offer to show he meant no harm while each cell in his body was turning to quick sand.

"Claire! what is all this-" Bianca paused on the last step, having been looking over the glass shards scattered on her floors with an unnatural amount of rage for a simple mistake to have even noticed her son suffocating the foyer of her elaborate house. The maid watched the color drain from her bosses face before it masked into stone, her old bones wanting to quake under the weight of the tension as she stood between mother and son, it felt like a blood bath was about to be unleashed.

"Claire, go get security. Tell them there's an intruder with intent to harm me." Bianca didnt take her eyes off the man across from her, hazelnut brown eyes glaring at her with a coldness that made her want to flinch. She loved to hate to look at her son, he looked everything like his father as a child, growing more and more into a carbon copy of Maddox Colin himself as he grew. It was as if her late lover had crawled from the depths of his grave to stand like a statue in her foyer.

"Claire, if I may?" She flinched back a step as Buller moved one forward. Bianca's tongue almost bleeding as she forced herself to stay put. "Tell them Kill. Not harm." The icy interior of the home turned freezing at his chilling words, a stunned Claire can only nod numbly before scrambling to get security.

The only thing standing between Bianca and her son now was a spread of glass that danced in the light of the chandelier, a creek of sharp pinpricks that crushed under the weight of his boots as he moved forward.

"You burned down her shelter." The backs of her heels trip over the step as she flinched back. His voice a rumble of a volcano about to erupt and it shakes fear into her pores, demolishing all false pride.

"I-I did not." She tries, failing horrible to hide her fear. "Hunter I-."

"Dont say my fucking name!" He barked, fist clenching at his side, "You are scum, a filthy virus that needs to be eradicated." The tears bubbling in her eyes was worth the sickening feeling slithering around his gut, moving until the tops of his shoes pressed the first step, Bianca now in the middle of the stairway- a vain attempt to keep distance between them.

He watched her eyes widen, pale as a ghost as the color drained from the rest of her completely. She looked light headed. "You sound crazed." She muttered, dazed with fear.

A vicious cold chuckle rested against her like a wet blanket as her son moved up two steps at a time. His brown eyes darkening, lips pulled back into a snarl. "Is that what you think of me? Is that what youve told your husband? Your children are deranged or have you erased Bambi and I from existence in this life? You can live as many lives as you want Bianca, suck off the richest man in the state, obtain copious amounts of money, but none if it is enough to hide the fact of what you are."

Nose and nose now, Bullet towered over her as he relished in the stark white fear in her eyes. "A foul, gluttonous, rapist bitch." The word felt like he swallowed a swig of acid, his body tensing as his organs twisted.

Bianca gaped, her face a sheet of emotions, her hands trembled as she covered her mouth. Muffling a gasp that shook her shoulders. The sight was enough to bring a cruel smile to Bullets face, relishing in her agony as she did his and his sisters all those years.

Body drumming with anticipation. He had dreamed of this day, the only dream he had among his night mares was his mothers demise, watching the light of life drain from her eyes as he muffled it out. His golden rule of observation is dimmed in the moment of emotions and he reaction a second to late to the security ripping him off the stairs away from his wailing mother, tearing him from the peace he had been craving for like an addict.

The Mechanics of The Heart (Unedited)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang