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Amara Joseph

I wasnt sure what type of people to expect to attend Bambi's art show. The works themselves were beautiful and all of vast different media's, I had spent enough time with these pieces to have carved my own interpretation of the work. Usually I dreaded attending art shows in the past, brushing elbows with people who didnt believe I should even be in the same room as them despite my parents artwork they've come to see. The nerves echoed off of a slight buzz of excitement, a part of me curios to see the thought of those in attendance.

I wondered if Bullet would, despite me meeting him at this studio, I hadnt seen much of him. He seemed to ghost around and appear when his sister needed him. Maybe thats why I knew the rumbling bike pulling into the lot was his, and not because I had been waiting for hear it ever since he rode off after turning cold after talking for all of seven minutes. I had spent all week going over the conversation, trying to pin point when I may have offended him.

The studio was still vacant besides me and the staff in the back pouring champagne and assorting finger foods and now Bullet, it made it easier that my job was to ensure a smooth showing. I had to be here before everyone, arrange the final touches and making sure there was nothing for my pregnant boss to fret over.

Despite not opening for another half hour, I kept the curtains drawn, only pinning back the curtain over the door to let some natural light in. His figure casted a shadow that seemed to darken to entire space as he squeezed through, turning to shut the door behind him I noticed the shine to his boots and the crease in his pants and the crisp white shirt tucked under a polished vest of leather.

The times I had seen Bullet, had been when he was working and when he was eating. Both times he had been dressed casually, I had never imagined what he looked like in formal clothes. It looked, good.

He, look goo-

"Oh my god, Are you okay?" I wanted to slap myself, had I not been checking him out I would've noticed the blackened eye, split lip and the plaster over his eye brow with a dark red patch seeping the center.

"You should see the other guy. Am I early or late?" He moves toward the small table, decorate with coordinating silver platters and champagned flutes, there's a distinct limp in his walk that wasnt there before.

"Early. Did you get hit by a bus or something? You're bleeding." To keep from torching the bandage still seeping blood I ran my hands down my dress. Clearing my throat as I catch his eyes following the motion.

"You set this all up?" His tone sounds astonished and at first I dont know what to make of it, I frown at his abrupt change of the subject.

"Most of it yeah, its kind of my job." I crossed my arms as his eyes raked over me once again. Pausing momentarily at my legs and the flats adorning my feet.

"Your job, right." He muttered the words to himself, like theyre untrue. I take a step back, feeling a wall of defense building around me.

"Do you have something you want to say to me Bullet?" I was supposed to apologizing for possibly offending him and yet again I couldn't keep my big mouth shut. But the passive accusation in his tone probed at me like a sharp stick.

"I just dont know to many people willing to devote so much time in helping strangers." I snort, rolling my eyes at his words.

"You've literally described your sister. I'm sorry, but are you accusing me of something here?" I quirked an eyebrow, my concern for his wellbeing being spiking as he winced, shifting on his feet. His face remained impassive other wise but his fist clenched at his sides and I notices the ripped skin coated in black and blue hues.

Had he been in a brawl? I sigh, dropping my hands crossed on my chest.

"Look Bullet, your sister has really helped me out a lot. If the only way I can repay her is by doing my job, im gonna make sure I do it right. I dont know what I said to offend you the day you fixed my car but I am sorry." I offer the words drenched in as much sincerity I could muster, I wasnt sure how long I'd be here the last thing I wanted to do was create bad waters between my boss brother and I, hell he was part of the reason I had a job.

"Offend me?" His thick eyebrows crinkled and he looked slightly amused for a moment amongst the confusion clouding his face. "You didnt- never mind. I-."

"Uncle B!" Tiny feet skitter across the floor at top speed before they stop in front of Bullet and I take another step back, turning to Bambi dressed in the pretty colored dress from the shop. "Hi miss mara." I grinned at Bayous toothless grin as he clung to his uncles legs, waving a tiny hand to me.

"Hi buddy, Bambi, everything is ready and the staff is in the kitchen waiting for your final look over."

Bambi grins wide, until she looks at her brother. "Oh my god, Bullet, what happened to you?"

I'm looking at Bambi but I listen to the nonchalance in his tone as he struggles to shrug out the side of my eye. "Place looks great Bam, something out of a magazine really." He compliments instead of answering.

There several heart beats of silence as Bambi looks at her brother with a look that he avoids. I feel like im intruding but moving to step away unnoticed is futile because the moment I do, Bullets eyes find mine in a passing moment and my body heats up like a lantern.

The Mechanics of The Heart (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now