Chapter 2 - Demon

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I started my day by packing my backpack full of everything I could possibly need on this new journey, including a mini stove, my sewing kit, some fabric, ingredients for waffles, and just in case I might need it, a shotgun, which I had managed to fit in.

Hiking around is an arduous task. It took a lot for me to keep going and continue on my journey, since I would most certainly have to travel far to find all the monsters I wanted to make happy.

Until one came to me.

I felt a strange presence hovering behind me, sending a chill down my spine. Knowing immediately what it was, I turned around. A Demon stood there, with red skin, large horns and wings.

Of course I immediately offered him waffles.

"Why hello there, good sir! Would you like some waffles?"
The demon said "Why yes, I love waffles! Do you have any whipped cream?"

I took my backpack off my back and pulled out a can of whipped cream.
"Of course I do! I also have chocolate chips, if you like those."
"And some syrup?"
"Oh boy! I like all of those, could I have them on my waffles, please?"

I nodded, smiling, and began to prepare waffles for the Demon. He looked eager to eat them. I put everything he had asked for onto his waffles, with a bonus strawberry on the side, then handed them to the Demon.

He took a bite, and then another, and another one. The smile on his face got wider with each bite.
"This is so good! Thank you! He said, joyful.
"I'm so happy you like it!" I responded.

He took another bite, then suddenly, his ears perked up, eyes wide. He froze, his mouth hanging open. I still had not noticed this.
"So I'm on a quest to bring joy to all monster's lives by giving them waffles, and it seems to be working so far!... Are you alright?" I said, finally noticing his distress.

"I... I need to ask you... a very important question," he said, very concerned.
"You didn't put anything in these waffles, did you?"
"Absolutely not, why would I? I just wanted to give you some waffles."

He looked at his waffles again, suspicious.
"...You're sure?"
I looked closer. "Is something wrong?"
"You didn't add any... special ingredients?"
"What do you mean? It's flour, sugar, water, chocolate chips, and whipped cream. Are you allergic to any of those? I can remove whatever's bothering you."

"Nothing like... Demon repellent?" He said with a nervous smile.
"No, I want to be friends with you. I don't even know what demon repellent is."
He lowered his fork, relieved.
"That's great to hear! I was just worried there might have been... some of that stuff in there..."
"Of course not! I gave some of my waffles to a shadowy figure in my corner, and he enjoyed them, so I thought I'd give some to you. I hope you're enjoying it!"

He took another bite, looking thoughtful.
"So... I'm curious, what happens if you mix Demon repellent with waffles?"
"No idea, I haven't tried."
"Would you be willing to try?" He raised an eyebrow. "For science, of course."

In an attempt to change the topic, I said "Would you like some hot chocolate to go with your waffles?"
"Oh yes please! I love hot chocolate!"
"Sure thing!" I said, then I opened a pack of hot cocoa in front of him, to rid me of any suspicion he might still have, and then poured it into a warm cup of milk.

"Enjoy!" I said as I handed it over. He took the cup and took a sip.
"Aww yes, that warmed me right up! Thank you!"
"I'm glad you enjoyed that."
"Now, back to my original question, would you be willing to try the mixture with the Demon repellent?"

I thought for a moment. Why in the world would he need Demon repellent waffles? Whatever.
"I suppose so. Do you want to eat them? It seems a bit odd for a Demon to do."

He shook his head.
"...No, I just... want to test its effectiveness... and eat some more waffles as well..."
I quickly realized the problem.
"Do you have an enemy you'd like to be rid of?"
"No, not really." He paused. "Well... maybe one person I wouldn't be sad if they were 'removed' from the world..."

I nodded. "Oh don't worry, I completely understand. So what is Demon repellent anyway?"
"It's like... anything that can ward off a demon. Holy water, for instance. Do you have any?"

Luckily, I was smart, and brought Holy water with me. I wasn't sure if it would work, as I'm not religious, but I decided to put it in the waffles anyway.

"I do indeed have some holy water." I pulled the small flask I was keeping it in out of my backpack. "Will this work?" I asked.
The Demon nodded, looking excited.

I pulled the mini stove from my backpack, then began to work on the waffles, with holy water mixed in. The Demon seemed giddy with anticipation.

"I'm finished! Here's your bunch of normal waffles!" I winked to show that this was the poisoned batch. He took the waffles, smiling widely.
"Thanks again, this is very thoughtful of you!" He said.
"I'll make you a couple more waffles for the road, with no Holy water," I said with a smile.

The Demon took the non-Holy watered waffles and ate them quickly, enjoying each bite.
"You really are the best," he said.
He then stood up and stretched, then took the Holy water waffles and flew off, waving to me as he disappeared from sight.

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