Chapter 25

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I look to the Spinosaurus, my god its huge. We need a plan and quick, before that Anomaly closes. They are so unpredictable, it would close in five hours or five minutes. We need a plan.

We need a plan.

"One of us have to distract it, move it away from the Anomaly" Peter said, he's right. It's the only way.
"I'll do it, you girls get through through that Anomaly and I'll see you on the other side" He said. I can't let him do that, it's my fault that they were stuck here for even longer. Plus if anybody deserves to get through its Peter and Holly.

"Make sure they don't lock it" I said without looking at them.

"What?" Holly said, and before they could say anything, I started running towards the Spinosauras shouting and waving my hands to get it's attention.

"Hey, over here!" I scream, and it looked at me, snarling its teeth. I look over to Holly and Peter, and they looked scared, very scared.
"Run!" I screamed at them while the Spinosaurus started chasing me. I ran and I didn't look back.

Holly's P.O.V

I look to see Addy running away while that thing chased her. No, she can't do this, and I started to run towards her, but Peter stopped me.

"What are you doing?" Peter asked.

"We can't just leave her here" I stated.

"We're not. We will get through the Anomaly and get her team to come and help" he explained. I looked over to where Addy was running, and all I felt was guilt.
"Riley could be on the other side" he said, and I looked back upto him.
"Addy won't be stuck here, she will come back through but right now we need to get her help" he took my hand and before I knew it we both started running and we made it on the other side.

It was quiet, there are lots of tall buildings and traffic lights but there's no cars. I wonder why? Are we back in London? Or are we somewhere completely different? I mean, it looks like London. The air is so clear, and I couldn't help but get emotional. We're home.
Suddenly, three black Range Rovers came speeding towards us and parked all over the place, seconds later an army came flooding out with guns, shit!
They were wearing all black uniforms and black hats. On their soliders were the word A.R.C. Is this Addys team? A few other people came out of the third car wearing normal sort of clothes but were still carrying guns. Are those the E.M.Ds Addy was talking about.

"Get done on the ground now!" One soilder shouted.

"Now, now get down" another one said and we both quickly got to our knees. Then I saw a very familiar face. Oh my god! She came out from behind a few people and I could see her face pale, she was wearing a blue top and a black leather jacket and light blue jeggings on. Her hair was up in a high ponytail, and all I could see was my little girl. The one that we left behind and I couldn't help but start to cry.

"Mum? Dad?" She asked, and I can tell her breathing was slightly heavy.

"Riley?" Peter questioned.

"Oh my god" I sobbed, and without caring about the soldiers, I stood up and hugged her. Oh, I've waited so long for thus moment, to hug my baby girl again.

"Mum" I hear her sob as she wrapped her arms around me. Then I feel another set of arms, and I know it was Peter.
"I've missed you so much" Riley sobbed.

"Oh sweetheart, we've missed you too" Peter said, and we all pulled away.

"I'm so sorry we weren't meant to be gone this long. We got trapped and couldn't get back home to you. I'm so so sorry, Riley bear" I cried, and she hugged me again.

"I'm so glad you're back" Riley cried.

"Wait!" I hear Peter and I pull away and look to him, and he was speaking to a couple of soldiers with a guy in a hat standing next to them. They were standing next to a machine and pressing buttons.

"Why?" Guy with the hat said.

"Is that what you use to lock it?" Peter asked.

"Yes" One of the soldiers said.

"You can't lock it yet. You need to help our friend. She's still through there" he explained, and I looked to Riley and a few of the others standing behind her. One of them caught my eye. A man with dark hair and dark eyes, he's just how Addy described. He was wearing an all black uniform too holding one of those guns. He was staring at me a little confused.

"Becker?" I asked, and he tilted his head to the side with confusion.
"It's Addy. Addy is through there" I said, and his face changed so quickly.

"Oh my god" he said quietly, and he started to run forward when a guy in a red tartan shirt stopped him.

"Becker, don't you'll get yourself killed" He said.

"I don't care Danny, she's not getting stuck there again" Becker.

"She won't, but we can't risk losing you too" Danny said, pushing him back, and in that second, we heard a roar. It was so loud we heard it through the Anomaly. Oh no! What is going to come through?

Addy, please hurry.

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