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It was a very good day for Aryan at work, he hasn’t felt this happy in a long while, his happiness did not go unnoticed by his few employees who had a close encounter or meeting with him that day.
Few 2 hours after he reached the office, he went to check on Imlie to know if she was still sleeping. He took out his phone and switched to the security camera app which he had installed in his room, he saw that she was still sleeping, just then it occurred to him that their little moment must have been recorded on the camera too, he checked and quickly wiped it out of the system.

He dials Shalu’s number and she picks up in one ring.
“Hello Shalu, good afternoon” he greeted
“Good afternoon Aryan Sir”.
“Please have the cook prepare paratha with curd for Imlie, I will be back home on time today, Shalu please Imlie needs to cut down on her obsession with ice cream, try your best to keep her away from the kitchen and let me know when she wakes up”.
“okay Sir I will do that’’.

Aryan Singh Rathore has become a full-time babysitter, he fulfills his duties even when he is out for work.

In Jyoti’s room. Jyoti is talking to herself. “I can’t believe that Aryan has failed to notice me for the past one month that I have tried to get close to him and pretend to comfort him while he was at home. Instead, my one true love is still busy clinging on to that sour fruit, I wish Imlie had died in the hospital that day, by now Aryan would have become mine. No problem tomorrow is my birthday and I am going to get exactly what I want, tomorrow night Aryan and I will become one, there is no way he will escape from me, the Universe will give me my best birthday gift.

Its 2:15pm in the afternoon when Shalu called Aryan to inform him that Imlie was awake, ever since she woke up, she has refused to have her launch and was demanding for Ice cream, even after having one cup she refused to eat her food and was demanding for more.
“Switch to video call and give her the phone” he said
Shalu did as she was told but she held up the phone for Imlie, Imlie on seeing Aryan on the phone covered her face giggling, she was stealing glance in between her fingers, Shalu raised an eyebrow surprised at her behavior. Aryan on the other end under stood very well why Imlie was acting that way.
“jungle , look at me’’ and she did feeling shy and flustered
“why don’t you want to have your lunch?’
“I don’t feel hungry ABP, I want ice cream”
“Imlie you had enough ice cream for the day, now eat your food and have your medicines if not I will come home and take you to the Doctor to give you injection is that what you want”.
“Nahi, I won’t go to the Doctor and I won’t eat my food unless I have my ice cream”.
“baby you don’t have to go because I will come myself and carry you”
Imlie started laughing out loud and Aryan raised an eyebrow at this woman’s reaction. She felt she was too big for Aryan to carry her.
“Imlie I am serious but you are laughing, go and eat your food else you be getting an injection from the Doctor this evening”.
“No, I will hide in Didi’s room, you won’t catch me”. With that she ran off to Arpita’s room but she was not at home, she of went down stairs to join her kaki maa who was having lunch with Preeta, Shalu came down to inform Narmada that she has not eating. With Narmada’ persuasion Imlie at little.

Aryan had a meeting to attend by 2:45pm, the meeting lasted until 3:30pm and by 4 Aryan called Shalu to find out if Imlie had he lunch but she told him she only ate little and has been playing around in the sitting room.
Aryan packed up for the day and decided to head home to spend sometime with his little woman, all day the only thing that occupied his mind was IMLIE.

On getting home, he parked his car and made his way to the entrance door, Imlie heard the sound of the car, she thought it was Arpita and headed for the door. When the door opened and she saw it was Aryan, she quickly tried to runaway but Aryan caught her immediately, threw her over his shoulder and headed upstairs, while Imlie’s laughter echoed all over the mansion, attracting everyone’s attention. Narmada saw came out from the room and saw Aryan climbing the steps with Imlie on his shoulder. She prayed to Sita maya to always keep her children happy and for Imlie to recover soon.
In Aryan’s room he put Imlie down on the couch and used the intercom to ordered for the lunch that was prepared in the afternoon. He took off his jackets and his shoes while keeping an eye on Imlie who was all shy remembering the moments they shared in the morning.
After having their meal, he made her lie on the bed and they both watched a movie together. Imlie slept off before the end of the movie.
That night they didn’t go down to have dinner with the family. They heard their dinner in their room, that night while Imlie was sleeping Aryan was watching her, thinking about the strange events that took place in their lives in the last 4 months, the attacks on Imlie and the fact that culprit is yet too be captured makes him upset with himself, he has been watching Imlie very closely in the last weeks and it seems her attacker crawled back into his or her shells, but Aryan was sure it won’t be for long, they can’t hide forever and whoever it is he will fish them out and teach them the lesson of their lives.

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