Chapter Eleven Threat Of A LifeTime

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**Mr. T POV** (11:53 A.M, CTZ)

"What's the plan with me, and where the fuck is Dalyla?" Toc spits his mind's desire as soon as I walk through the door that bounds the other two men. Toc is literal, with handcuffs and rope chewing into his skin, while Van is bound to the room because of me. His loyalty has remained unquestioned. Therefore, I'll come to his aid whenever he requires something, no questions asked.

"Tie this nigga up." I nod to Van before dropping Flippa on his face. Needing no incentive, Van eagerly puts the handcuffs on Flippa's limp body. "Thank you." As I stalk Toc, who is helplessly squirming against the handcuffs, I can't help but picture the similar scene of when I became a murderer. Sadly enough, these two morons won't share the same fate.

"Where the fuck is Dalyla?" Toc repeats, erratically wailing as he tries to rip open his eyes that look to have pissed off a few colonies of wasps. "If you hurt her, I swear to God!" He threatens, his evil peers stealing my attention like a pirate to a looted chest. A snarl escapes my tongue as I strive to remember to stay calm, even with my subconscious reminding me it would serve me right to simply shoot these niggas in the head now. Sitting on the edge of the bed and across from the blood dripping man Dalyla has fallen in love with, I study his upper naked body. Which has been stomped and punched into oblivion. Most of his skin has eagerly taken the next few months off, and it'll take a while before they can resume their job. I smirk at the image and think, too bad they couldn't beat his ass for a little bit longer.

"Aye, you bitch ass nigga! I asked where my bitch was!" Toc hisses, continuing his movements against the chair.

"I want to let you know, I don't like you any more than I cared for Lamar-"

"Yo fuck ass opinion don't matter to me! Fuck you, nigga!" Toc roars. His puffed-out chest, flaring nostrils, and bloody foam drawing from his lips would make an onlooker believe he might have a chance to break out of his restraints. A grimace spreads across my face like a plague as I realize Toc might be even dumber than Lamar. I don't believe now is the time to be a bitch; however, while his woman isn't clearly a hundred percent safe, he should be playing this game a lot smarter. Instead of using his usual machoness, he should be using wittiness. Anything but this dumb-ass tough-guy facade. His actions won't get him any closer to what he wants.

"Cut me off again and I'll cut your balls off. Let's see who you call a bitch after that. So, you gon shut the fuck up?" I survey waiting on him to talk all that rara shit now.

Any nigga who's smart will concede when their balls are on the line. "Whatchu got to say nigga?"

"I'mma tell you this, one time and one time only Mark Tykese Jackson. If you ever violate Dylala in any way. Break her heart. Hit her. Slap her. If you even fucking trip her. If you do anything besides give her a hundred and ten percent, I'll kill your grandma in Kentucky. Then your auntie in Delaware. I'll have them raped first, over a span of weeks by niggas fresh outta jail. Then I'll have them do it to your whore mother, who stays in Baltimore. Your unclaimed brother who stays not too far from you. I know you never met him, but I'm also aware you've been searching for him. He'll be dead before you can ever meet him. His fate will be much worse than rape. I'll let you ponder how grizzly that would have to be. Then after those bodies have had their funeral, I'll actually begin the real pain. All of your sisters will be wiped out next. Then your niece with the medical condition will be frozen. She's small enough for a deep freezer, and I haven't yet frozen a body while it was alive. I'm very interested to see how that works."

"I have no intention of harming Dalyla. But if you threaten me ever again, I'll kill you!" A sentence that earns him a thumping left jab that sends him and his chair flying to the ground.

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