one step at a time

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Lucy's POV
As the world cup grew closer, the training became more intense. The whole team had to be on top of their game, and also keep an eye on each other. We are a team of non talkers, we don't speak about issues that may come up, we all think we can deal with it.

Training is coming to an end, and our last drill is passing before we fly out to Australia later that day.

Everyone is doing well, looking good, and correcting mistakes as they go, but from the corner of my eye, i can see a very stressed out walsh, with flushed cheeks, and blotched patches on her neck. These are Keira's stresser signals. I don't want to panic, or make anyone else panic, so i just turn my body so i'm facing her. she's in a separate group to me, but i watch as her expression changes when she can't execute the perfect pass. She huffs and throws her head into her hands, digging her nails into her scalp, and retightening her hairband.

Luckily the final whistle blew for training. Sarina thanked us all for our hard work and dedication, and told us to pack our remaining personal belongings up, before heading to the coach. I walk over to Keira, who's standing with Leah and Georgia, having a quiet conversation, but Keira keeps looking over her shoulder to the goal, and i can just tell she wants us all to leave so she can get a few extra drills in. Her face is drained, and her body language screams with exhaustion, but she never listens to her body, only her brain.

"Hey guys, I was wondering if you wanted to go and grab some food before we go and pack? I'm pretty much packed so I can help you if you need me to?" I ask, volunteering to help everyone. "That would actually be great Luce" Ge says, with a funny look on her face because she's the most unorganised person i've ever met in my life and knew she wouldn't be even remotely ready to leave. The group starts to move towards the exit of the pitch, when Keira suddenly blurts out "oh sorry guys i've left my bottle, let me go grab it i'll meet you inside". Does she think i'm an idiot? I know she's about to stay out here for another half hour kicking the ball at a target. "I'll grab it Ke, you go and help Ge pack" she just shakes her head at me, running towards the bench. I roll my eyes at her, getting fed up with how little she cares for herself. I walk off with the huff, knowing i'll be packing her bags. Luckily she was sharing with Georgia, so i walked to their room and started packing up all of her stuff. Leah's room was just across the hall, so we propped our doors open and spoke to each other as we packed. An hour must have past by the time we were finished, zipping up the cases and starting to roll them down the stairs. I had EVERYTHING of Keira's, her phone, keys, chargers, the lot.

We put the bags on the coach and make our way to the dining hall to eat. It was an all you can eat buffet night to prepare us for the long flight ahead.

I scan the room. She's still not in here. I get up, slamming my hand down in the table. "what's up with you, grumpy shit, sit down" Leah scoffs, "nearly choked on my pissing noddles, don't do that" Ge laughs, holding her chest. "No i'm sick of this, she's still out there working herself into the ground, am i going to have to drag her in or what. It's raining she's going to get sick" I mutter, throwing one leg over the other. I didn't wait much longer before getting up, getting her a plate of food, and a fizzy drink and marching myself out onto the training pitch. "IN, NOW" i shout, loud enough that she can hear me. "no give me 5 more minutes, i need to get this shot perfect one more time" she yells back, calmer than i am clearly. She dinks the ball off the cross bar and throws her hands in the air, pulling the same stunt as earlier, digging her nails into her scalp, and now rubbing her nails up her forearms aggressively, so hard that she starts to bleed. "ENOUGH, KEIRA IM BEING SERIOUS, GET INSIDE NOW" i say, grabbing the ball, and walking off, now soaked.

Keira's POV:
Lucy's has just yelled at me and stormed off. I must have lost track of time. I just wanted to get this perfect, I couldn't be the sloppy one on the team, I had to be the best.

I sheepishly grab my water and head towards the door. I see that Lucy has dished me up a plate of food and sit next to her, moving my chair slightly away from her, and perching myself on the edge. The girls make small talk around me as I pick at the food on my plate, she's picked me all my favourites but i've had a lump in my throat since she screamed at me. I know she didn't mean to and that she just wants me to rest, knowing i've been pretty stressed recently, but i just need to be perfect. Lucy moves her chair over to mine and wraps an arm around my waist, noticing that i've not touched the food on my plate. I give her a small smile and pick up a fork of noodles , knocking some of them off and putting them in my mouth, making a funny expression clearly, as lucy's face scrunched up. "you alright? do you not like it" "it tastes funny, i don't want it". "you have to eat something, i've packed your bags, all we have to do is eat and get to the coach" she says. i roll my eyes thinking i could have got out of this by packing my bag.

I pick at it for a few more minutes before Sarina walks in. "it's time to get on the coach to the airport, please make sure you've got all your stuff, we have this locked up but you never know what can happen". I get up quickly, clearing my plate out into the bin and walking towards the door. "someone's in a hurry" i hear from behind me, it sounded like Leah.

I hop onto the coach and find our seats, I pick second to last row left window seat and settle myself in quickly, putting my small backpack under the seat and putting on my noise cancelling headphones. I didn't want to talk to anyone, i'd just get interrogated as to why i haven't eaten and i can't be bothered.

All the other girls spill onto the coach, eventually Leah, Lucy and Georgia walk out together, they'd taken a long time and most people were getting impatient. Lucy is adamant that she has to be last for everything because someone once told her that shes lucy bronze so no one would tell her off, and she's stuck with it.

They board quickly, feeling everyone's eyes on them, a few people rolled their eyes jokingly. Ge and Leah sat in-front of me and lucy slumped herself into the seat next to me. Her bag looked suspiciously full and she gave me a look.. the look of "i know you're hiding something from me, and i'm fixing the problem because i'm smart". she pulls out a takeaway box with some rice, chicken and vegetables, and a chocolate chip breakfast bar for the road. I roll me eyes and turn away from her. I don't want to eat. People have made comments about my weight, so it's easier to just not eat. I get dizzy, and feel funny, but it's fine, it happens. I pick up a jumper from under my seat and roll it up, slotting it in between my neck and the window and trying to fall asleep.

My tummy rumbles loudly, i can feel it, but because of my headphones i can't hear it. It's only when i feel a tap on my shoulder that I realise it was audible. "you're eating something right now. why are you not eating again, this is silly Keira, you're an athlete" lucy demanded, a stern look plastered itself across her face. I don't say anything, just open twitter and hand her my phone. Her face drops as she reads my mentions, and a hand sneaks its way onto my thigh squeezing when she reads one's that are particularly bad.

She closes my phone off and tucks it under her legs, i don't look at her, i know i'll cry of i do. I feel a hand grab my chin, and her beautiful green eyes look directly into mine. she peppers me with kisses softly before whispering "you are not any of those things these people have said about you. you're starving, and you need to eat. you will get sick & be out for god knows how long, you need to eat" she said, reaching into her bag as she muttered the last bit of her sentence. She hands me a spoon, and the rice. "oo i nearly forgot.... saucesssss" she giggled, handing me a pot of soy sauce she'd made up for me. I rest my head against her. getting into these thoughts and trying to combat it is the worst part, because it never works. i sit with the rice on my knees, telling myself that it's just food it's fine, but my hands won't move to get it in my mouth.

"it's okay baby, take it one step at a time"

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