Happy Decommissioning

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What if cree hadn't been there to break Chad out?


A number always associated with bad luck.


An age where a kid is considered to have become a teenager, to become closer to being an adult and leaving their childish selfs behind and maturing.


An age where you were no longer viewed as a kid, leaving you to become decommissioned and leave behind any and all memories you've ever had of the kids next door, something every operative despised the thought of and wanted to avoid.

But nobody's a kid forever.

He knew this.

Chad knew this.

He knew he couldn't be in the kid's next door forever, He knew that he would be decommissioned and forget everything. Just like everyone else, he feared it. He feared growing up, and forgetting everything he had ever known, everything he worked so hard for.

All his childhood he worked so hard for the kids next door, practically carrying them on his shoulders. He was one of the best operatives they had ever had. He knew this

However not even then would he be spared from the fate all operatives faced once they turned 13

He remembered waking up to the morning before scared. Scared knowing what was awaiting him the next day.

' No one has to know... '

He thought to himself as he got ready for the day

' No one has to know.. '

He thought to himself as he descended down the stairs.

' No one has to know. '

He thought to himself as he ate his breakfast

' . . . . . . . . . '

' Everyone's gonna know. '

Is the first thing he thought as he felt his blood run cold.

His parents were throwing a party to celebrate his 13th birthday. He tried so hard to talk them out of it, Trying all he could to convince him he didn't need some party to celebrate it, that it wasn't a big deal and that they could cancel it

However there was nothing he could do about the situation, for the invitations had already been sent out to the others and were gonna arrive tomorrow on his birthday. Letters that were to arrive others in the knd, Others who were gonna know he was turning 13.

Just by simply sending out those sealed envelopes his parents had just assured him that everyone would know that he was turning 13. Assuring him that he'd wind up being decommissioned and losing every memory he had of the KND and all the operatives

' Everyone's gonna know. '

He thought as he sat at his office desk, the office made for the Supreme leader of the kids next door. The Supreme leader who was about to be decommissioned, and replaced by someone new.

He tried to ignore it but couldn't help but keep looking at the door, knowing that at any moment now the decommissioning squad was gonna come in and order for his decommissioning

All his work and achievements, everything he did for the kids next door, all his hard work and sacrifices would be discarded

He sacrificed so much for the kids next door

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