I.III Sorting Hat

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"Imogen Vixen"

I nervously glance around me. There is a reason why I don't introduce myself with my last name 'Vixen'. I hear the whispers start. "She is probably just like her parents, better stay away" A voice says somewhere from the Ravenclaw table. I roll my eyes as I walk towards the Sorting Hat. Professor Mcgonagall places the hat on my head.

'Miss Vixen, you can do great things. Even if you don't know it yet. Great power will come to you, but what will you choose. What will i choose, follow in the footsteps of your great but terrible parents or will you break the curse and go your own way. I know exactly where to place you'


With a big smile on my face I take a seat next to Hermione, across from Ron and Harry. I frown a little bit when I still hear people whisper about me. When I look around some give me a mean glare. "Don't mind them" Hermione says. "I don't know who your parents are , but you are not them alright?" Harry tells me. I give him a small smile. "I don't know mate her parents are bad bad" Ron says. "No lie in that" I say. "But you wouldn't be sorted into Gryffindor, so to me you are all  good, now i want food" Ron says loudly. We all laugh untill we hear Dumbledore speak. "Let the feast begin" All kind of delicious food appears in front of us. I start to eat a little bit of everything. Knowing very well that this is going to end in a stomach ache. When Ron tried to grab his 100th chickenwing a ghost appears.

"Hello! How are you" nearly headless nick says. "Welcome to Gryffindor" All around us, a lot of ghosts appear. "look at that Hermione, the Bloody Baron" I say excitingly to her. "From what i've heard his story is very intreseting" she says. "Yea but we don't actually know what really happend" I say and she nods in agreement. "Hello, Sir Nicholas. Have a nice summer?" Percy asks. "Dismal, once again, my request to join the Headless Hunt has been denied." Sir Nicholas tells us. He starts to fly away untill Ron opens his mouth. "I know you. You're Nearly Headless Nick". "I prefer Sir Nicholas, if you don't mind." Sir Nicholas says. "Nearly headless?, how can you be nearly headless?" Hermione asks. "Hermione don't a-" but before I can finish my sentence Sir Nicholas leans forward and grabs his head. Showing an almost decapitated head. "Oh" "Ugh" "Ah" "How lovely".

Percy showed us the way to our common room. Giving us a explanation about the rules and the password 'Caput Draconis'. Hermione and I went straight up to our room and claimed the best bed right next to eachother. We made ourself ready for bed. We talked and laughed about how excited we are to be here before she fell asleep. Since the nightmares I have troubles falling asleep. I keep dying over and over again. With the same voice calling out to me. I try thinking about something else to keep my mind distracted. I need to find Steve tomorrow. I can finally talk to him, if he still wants to talk to me. Afterall I am the reason his owl is dead. I Slowely feel myself fall asleep. Hoping to have a dreamless sleep.

"What will it be little witch? Them or the power you have?" A dark voice said. "One little spell and one of them is dead, you dont believe me? AVADA KEDAVRA" "I love you" "NO NO PLEASE, WAKE UP" I hear myself yell. "Next one, AVADA - " "No wait, take them, take it all. I'll give you my powers. Just let them go". I hear the dark voice shout a spell at me.

But before i could feel the pain, I wake up. I look outside and see that it's still dark. After what felt like an enternity I manage to fall back asleep. This time without any nightmares.

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