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35 1 4

Star (fem. Dipper)
Mason (rev. Dipper)
Tad (no one likes him)
Jay the gay one

Moon: welcome guys, gals and nonbinary pals it's been a while since I have last updated I will be trying to update more often but I can't promise anything

Tad: hello people it's me everyone's favorite dream demon

Jay: who the fuck are you

Bill and Night: the most hated dream demon in the multiverse

Mason: oh the wicked bitch of the West is here how fun *says In a sarcastic tone* (and yes that is a reference to love wars it's a really good book go check it out)

Tad: how rude I came here to visit my favorite people and then I get ridiculed

Will: *half asleep* what's going on?

Star: yeah what's going on

Moon: anyways you have two question and three dares Mabel are you able to come over here

Mabel: yeah sure *walks over to Moon*

Moon: You got one question and one dare

Mabel: I'm still recovering from the last dare

Moon: I don't care anyways the question is from thatsm0lf0x and it says Mabel do you love that your brother is dating a dream demon or do you hate it

Mabel: I don't really like it I don't know why it's maybe the fact that he tried to kill us and Dipper only known him for like one summer so yeah I don't really like it

Dipper: I've actually known him for 3 years so yeah I get off my ass

Mabel: and oh yeah did I mentioned the fact that he's a FUCKING DREAM DEMON!?

Will: language Mabel

Moon: oh yeah everyone get their ass outside again

*After everyone's outside*

Moon: you were there by billdip1stories to stand outside for 24 hours without sitting or moving also if you do that I'm going to burn down the mystery shack

Mabel: why are you so cruel to me

Moon: and oh yeah billdip1stories is going to bully you Mabel

Mabel: whyyyyyyyyyyyyy meeeeeee

Dipper: I'm fine with that

Star: same here

Night: perfectly fine over here

Will, Bill and Mason: same over here

Moon: we'll see you tomorrow Mabel and if you do do those things I will know ok bye

*Back inside the house*

Moon: we now have one question and two dares
Will you have a dare for my dear friend Jay

Jay: okay moon I can take over from now will you going to have to knock off Dipper's hat

Will: why?

Jay: cuz I want you to

Will: ok fine *walks over to Dipper knocks off his hat and walks back over to Jay* you happy now

Jay: yes

Moon: okay back to me well I have a question for you are you proficient at using any weapons of some sort

Will: yeah actually I know how to use a butterfly knife

Moon: I didn't thought that you would be the type to use it butterfly knife anyways *looks at last dare* yeah I know I'm not going to do this last one

Moon: anyways that's it and and always rem-

Will: Mabel still outside

Moon: oh right I kind of forget about her did anyone set a timer

Will: I did and it's only been 12 hours were able to leave her out there for 12 more hours anyways I'm going to go take a nap *walks over to him and Mason's room*good night

*12 hours later*

*Timer goes off*

Will: burntree can you turn off the alarm please

Mason: yeah sure*turns off timer*now go back to sleep

Will: ok *snuggles with Mason and goes back to sleep*

*Meanwhile outside of the house*

Mabel: my legs hurt so badly when will this end

*3 hours later*

Bill: I feel like the timer should have gone off by now

Night: yeah it's weirdly peaceful in here

Tad: did you forget I was here

Night: yes and there goes all the peace and quiet

Moon: I'm going to go check on the time*checks the time* yeah we should bring Mabel back in it's been 27 hours since we left her out there

*Back outside*

Mabel: my legs feel like they're dying

Moon: you're so dramatic Mabel you're able to move now

Moon and jay: please leave your questions and theirs in the comments and always remember reality is illusion universe is a hologram buy gold bye

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2023 ⏰

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