Saudade: Interlude- Reconnaissance

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The Cornelian cherry trees bloomed in February, magnolias in the last week of April, and now the Callery pear trees blossoms were peeking through all along Washington Square Park. Spring in New York City was often rainy and cool with the occasional snowstorm every few years. Temperatures ranged from 40 to 70 degrees at any given time. Currently, the air was crisp with an undercurrent of heat rising to dance with the cool.

Traffic and people moved through the City as rapidly as the number of bodies in motion would allow. Yet in the midst of all the movement there was a sense that it was not as full as it should be. Many were out of town and the City felt it in a way the average person could not.

One place that should have been completely still was the District Office of New York City Public Schools. Surprisingly, it was very busy considering the Superintendent was out of town and not due back for two weeks.

Instead of sunbathing on the Jersey Shore like many others, Eddie Hunter was in between buildings across from the D.O. watching a stocky man in an expensive suit enter the building and disappear inside.

Five minutes later a slim blonde woman more casually dressed also entered the building.

Eddie put his hands in the pockets of his worn-out jeans, pushed away from the brick wall, and took off across the street with little concern for the honking horns and profanity lace shouts of anger he drew for disrupting the flow of traffic.

Once across the street, he didn't go into the D.O. but rather into the alley behind it.

Eddie had been keeping close tabs on his former associates since he was dismissed from his job without pay and he knew they were not inside because they were that dedicated to their jobs.

They were there for another purpose.

There wasn't much for them inside, he knew. Having done his own security sweep earlier, the building was locked tight from the outside. From a brief sweep a few weeks before he knew that Turner had the interior locked down just as tight.

The blonde, Tompkins, would have limited access to the Superintendent's Office, though.

Yancy should not have any.

Eddie settled in by the dumpster and waited.

Fifteen minutes later a sleek Rolls-Royce Ghost in English white pulled into the alley. It was an impressive vehicle and one that screamed "look at me".

Briefly Eddie wondered how much the parts would sell for on the black market as he backed into the shadows.

Yancy and Tompkins came out of the back door and promptly got into the car. As the Rolls-Royce sped off, Eddie stepped into the street and watched the direction it went in. His eyes locked onto the license plate, and he tucked away the number in his memory for future use.

Tipping his chin up, he cast a lazy look at the D.O.'s back door. A quick tug on the handle pulled the door open. He smiled to himself and stepped inside long enough to lock the door, then he stepped back out, and let the door shut behind him.

There was no reason for that door to be left open. Yancy had, after all, entered the building with a key and security code he should not have had. He could go back in whenever he wanted. Whether he left that door open to entice him or someone else into taking the fall for the break in, Eddie didn't care. He was going to sabotage Yancy's plans any way he could.

With a sly smile, Eddie put his hands back in his pockets and followed the path the Ghost took out of the alley.


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