chapter one: big city

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She sighed softly putting her head in between her legs, no place to go, she knew nobody leaving Montana she thought she had it figured out well apparently not.

Here she was in some dark street alone and homeless, people passed her but nobody stopped to ask, this place was not like her little home town where everyone was friendly.

"You know it's dangerous to be here at this time" she looked up at the lady dressed in all black staring down at her.

She stood up immediately and dusted her skirt as the lady ran her eyes all over her.

"What are you doing here" the lady asked

"Um..actually... I" the lady sighed

"Just leave this place" the lady said sternly

"I have no where to go" she answered softly.

The woman looked at her like she had grown horns and she looked up at her.

" what..?"she asked in disbelief

" I'm kinda new here and I have no where to go actually " she answered softly

" then get a hotel " the lady said grimly like she was annoyed.

But how was she going to explain that all the money she had been spent getting here and the money left was barely enough to buy her food for the next one week.

"I have no money" she answered sheepishly.

"Well..whatever find a place or they'll find you" the lady said turning as she walked away.

Defeated she sat down again on the floor.

"Liliane where are you" she mumbled as she looked up at the dark night void of stars.

She picked her luggage and sighed she was just going to keep moving then.

"Hey..." She turned and it was the same lady from earlier as she came closer.

"Follow me" and she started moving again leaving her confused at the lady walked away the lady stopped looking over her shoulder at her.

"Do you want a place or not" the lady asked and she immediately started moving after her as the lady continued walking.

Opening the door the lady walked inside turning on the lights and turned to her and telling her to come in.

She was wide mouth when she saw the room it was beautiful, she couldn't describe how great it looked, only someone who was near being rich could afford this in her home town.

"Sit.." The lady ordered and she did staring at everything since the seemed to amaze her.

Few minutes later the lady returned and disappeared through a door and returned handing a plate and she stared at the content.

" it's some left over burger from this morning " and she looked up at the lady who she now saw clearly under the bright lights.

She had mascara outline her eye making her look evil with a look.
"Thanks.." She picked the weird stuff and took a bite ad her eyes widened as the taste exploded through her mouth.

"what's this" she asked "Burger" and I nodded stuffing my mouth with it.

"Your not from here are you?" And she nodded.

"where are you from" and she drooped the plate.

"Montana" and the lady nodded.

"what are you doing here" and she sighed.

"I'm searching for my sister... She cams here to the big city"

"Then call her, i'm sure she'd pick you rather than stay at that place"

"she always kept in contact until a year ago and there's been nothing from her, I'm worried she's not okay".

The lady just stared at her and shook her head.

" well you can have the couch, there are some blankets in the cupboard, you should get some sleep if your leaving tomorrow in search of your sister"

I nodded "excuse me madam" and the lady turned.

"It's Diana" and I nodded.

"Lydia... Well I wanted to ask if there's a place I could work here and earn some money..I'm kinda broke right now...I heard the big city has lots of Jobs".

" what's the big city" Diana asked confusion written on her face making me confused my self.

"This's called the big city" she answered.

Diana's face cracked and for the first time since this night she smiled brightly before she chuckled.

"Lydia right?" And I nodded, and she laughed softly.

"This place isn't called the big city, your currently in New York city" she chuckled again and I nodded slowly.

"And yes.. If your persistent you'd be down with four different shifts in a month" and I smiled

"Thank you so much" Diana nodded and turned away.

She put everything back in order as she got ready to leave once Diana showed up.

Her door opened and she came out dressed in a stripped shirt that had the ends tied showing off her stomach and in black pants.

She looked over at her "good morning Diana" and she nodded and disappeared into the kitchen.

She had to wait since she hadn't opened the door, she returned again into the room.

"Let's eat breakfast" Diana said softly as she set up the table.

" don't have to I'm okay...and I'm sorry if I burdened you..thanks so much for letting me stay" I told her and she sat down.

"You can choose to leave after breakfast" she insisted. I pursed my lips as I took a sit

"It's pancakes with maple syrup" I looked up at her and she pointed at her left over in the plate compared to mime that was wiped clean.

"What we had for breakfast" and i nodded.

" was amazing " and she smiled.

I got up and smiled at her "I'll never forget your kindness Diana" I told her and she smiled a bit.

She didn't look like the kind of person to smile often

"You can stay...until you find a place to go" and I stared at her lost for words.

"You mean...." And she nodded

"Yeah..I was already looking for a roommate and you seem..." She paused clearly not used to being too good.

"You can find a job and we could divide the rents And bills...if your not up for it you can say no" and my eyes widened.

"Of course not...yes..yes..I'll stay...I promise I'll pay the rents..oh're an angel..." I stuttered so overwhelmed.

She waved me off and picked her bag and straightened her dress.

"I'm leaving for work..just stay indoors or you could get lost...I'll show you around on Saturdays when I'm free" and I covered my mouth as tears stung my eyes.

"Thank you so much...I surely pay you back" and she nodded and passed me opening the door.

"There some snack in the kitchen you can help your self" and she closed the door.

I nodded and smiled

New world a new me

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