chapter 4: arrogant

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I called over and over again but she refused to pick up, I returned to the white fair house holding my cup of coffee hoping it'd keep me going.

Putting my phone in my bag, I focused on drinking, when it started ringing.

I put my hand in my bag searching for it, I brought it out and fumbled oh how to pick up.

When I bumped into somebody "fucking shit.." The person cursed.

I saw my coffee dripping down the person's body lining his stomach which had something that had me staring.

I looked up and was met with deep blue eyes staring doom at me, i stepped back and coveted my mouth.

It was the man with blue eyes from the bus, could I get any luckier.

"I'm so sorry...I didn't mean to..." I apologized as he kept on staring at me with angry eyes.

People who were coming in noticed and stopped to watch, as the seconds passed his silence and anger was making me nervous and confused.

I brought out my face towel and neared him "I'm so sorry sir...I didn't mean to pour this on you...i wasn't even looking...I so sorry..." I kept on apologizing.

"Stop touching me" he yelled pushing me away that I stumbled and looked at him.

"Why do I have the worst luck today" he asked nobody in particular.

Everyone was watching by now as the started whispering making my skin crawl.

"I'm sorry sir" I said looking at my hands.

"Of course..why not.. Your stupid eyes are behind your head" he yelled angrily and someone chuckled.

"I didn't mean to pour this on you.. Sir" I told him as I bit my lip.

"Each time you open that mouth you make it worse... Do you even know how this shirt cost?" He asked and she stayed silent.

"Do you...huh?" He yelled and i jumped, terrified and shook my head.

"I can put it for laundry sir" he scoffed.

"Or I'm going to buy it" I said softly and he laughed making me tremble as I couldn't even look up.

"Your going to what?" He asked folding him arm and I bit my lower lip to hold back pending tears.

"Listen girl...even if you spent your next five years working I can guarantee you'd never... be able to buy this it?" He said menacingly moving towards me and I nodded.

"Just move aside" he yelled and I jumped and stepped away letting him pass.

Immediately he stepped outside the whole place became filled with wild laughter.

I bit the insides of my mouth to stop me from crying as I walked away.

"Hey what happened...?" Laurel asked as she came closer.

I cleaned my eyes, when soft giggles distracted us.

"Oh my...if it isn't the romantic" the blonde said and they all laughed.

"What were you thinking huh...that you were going to act some pro romance and he'd trip all over you" and they all laughed.

"Look girl...some one like Ashton white is supplied with models what could he possibly be looking for in a loser like you?" the brown eyed asked and they laughed.

Tears stung my eyes and I sniffed
"Did you think this was some k drama series where he falls in love with the loser at first sight?"
The one who had smoky dark eyes asked and they stifled their laughter.

"Probably...what else are losers capable of doing than to dream of people like Ashton white and wish to be like them" the blonde said to the others and the nodded.

Tears rolled down my cheeks and they gasped.

"Are you... Are you crying?" the blonde asked with fake concern.

"Awwwwwn your making me feel I feel like the bully.... I'm I terrible girls?" She asked and the nodded making her gasp.

"That means I need to change" and the nodded.

"Look girl save your self the drama someone of Ashton's white caliber will never have anything to do with you your a pathetic poor excuse of a person" the blonde said and I cleaned my eyes sniffing.

"Sasha, Jane let's go..." The blonde called pushing past her.

"Ohh..try better next time...he might fall for your cheap tricks..." One of them scoffed as the giggled.

"I don't think I need to ask what happened anymore" laurel said patting my back softly and I sniffed.

"Those girls are terrible, you can imagine me with them everyday" as she hugged me, I patted her back and she let me go.

"I want to go to the bathroom" and she nodded.

It was Elizabeth that called earlier. Elizabeth was her best friend back in Montana.

"Hey...Lydia how you doing" she asked more excited than normal and I smiled and sniffed.

"Fine" I answered.

"Ly are you okay... Why are crying... Is your boss making things hard for you" and I nearly cried all over again.

"No Bridget treats me well...I'm just having a hard time" I told her and she sighed.

"See I told you that Lilianna is okay but you choose to worry...just don't over work yourself" she advice and I nodded smiling.

"And o.m.g I got the iPhone 13 you didn't have to but thanks so much...I absolutely love it you need to see Claire's face it was pancaked " and I laughed.

"How is everyone" I asked "fine...and the Boys being boys and I have to cope with them, we still go to the mountains to find berries and the we still go for runs with the horses and guess what...pony emerge winner last month" and I giggled making her laugh.

"I sold my old phone and I bought the big pen for Milly's goats" she continued and I smiled.

"How about my Mom" I asked and she fell silent.

" be honest your Mom.. She's something else she doesn't let me take care of her and she spends her evening gambling and in the morning she's smoking... Its really hard" and I sighed.

"Just keep trying for me Eli please" and she sighed.

" go...Milly's Calling" I nodded

"OK.." And she hung up.

I returned back to Duran's as I sat down putting my head in my hands.

Once it was time to go I was probably the first to bolt out waving a bye at a confused but understanding Laurel who waved back.

I opened the door and entered inside as I fell on the couch, I saw the sticky note on the fridge and I got up checking it out.

I'm taking evening gift will return late don't wait up, there's food in the wave

I sighed and went back falling on the couch as I closed my eyes
Today was the worst day ever.

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