The Accident

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It all happened about a month or so ago. I sat there in my bed just remembering that whole day. It was all my fault, I had to ask them to bring me to the mall. If it wasn't for me, they would still be alive.

I fell backwards onto my bed and let out a sigh. How could this happen. Just then I felt my phone vibrate.

Mrs Reid

I clicked answer.
"Riah! Hello! We have just finished going through the papers.. It seems the person you are to stay with is a family friend, I believe her name is Min Yoonah. Have you ever heard of her?"
"Well she lives in Daegu, in South Korea. you will be flown over there next week to stay. I will accompany you until we get to the house, I just need her to fill some forms.''
"Thank you so much Mrs Reid! This is the best news I've heard in ages!"
"Your welcome, now start packing your things up now, you leave on Tuesday."
"Ok! Goodbye~"


Mrs Reid is my social worker. Ever since the crash I have been in this orphanage which I absolutely despise. I pulled the duvet over my head to shield me from this world. I shut my eyes and started imagining my new family. My heart fluttered with excitement.

I woke up happy for the first time since I've reached this shit hole. I had to look presentable if I was to make a good impression on Mrs Min. I straightened my hair, put on some makeup and put on a nice dress. Thank god I still had this or I'd be pulling up to her house in a pair of sweats and a tank top. Suddenly a car horn interrupted my thoughts and before I knew it, I was being driven to the airport in Mrs Reids car.
"Okay then I guess we're good to go!''

The flight took 5 hours and surprisingly it didn't bore me as much as I thought, it was nice to have some peace and quiet. I could think and not be disturbed.

"South Korea, huh. I was born there but only stayed for a few years, that's probably when my mother and Mrs Min were friends." I said to Mrs Reid, connecting the dots. "Yes, now Riah, you can speak Korean, right?"
"Yes," I started "but I haven't been using it since..the.."
"Ah I see, well Mrs Min told me herself that she's been friends with your mother for years and sounded distraught telling me about how she couldn't attend the funeral. She was more than happy to take you in, she sounds like a nice lady. You don't remember her at all?" She asked once again.
"I'm not sure anymore, last night I was trying to think but I can't even picture her face, although I do think she was the mother of my childhood friend," what was his name?? "Yoondae I think his name was."
"Ah, I see."

Okay so hi lol
I'm going to upload a few chapters to start and idk if you like it I might keep writing it cus TO ME IT SEEMS SHIT TBHHH!!!!!
But anyway I'll upload like the first 4 chapters today and I can upload like 2 a day after that ;))

Oh also at the top if there's an all-body photo of whoever, it'll be what that persons wearing okay? Okay! Okay? Okay! Xoxo

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