First crush part 2: Caspian x Magaly

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"Caspian! don't get too close to any tidepools and get stuck!" Ursula reminded her son as he was leaving to go explore a little bit. "I know, Mom, I promise" Caspian said before kissing her cheek and leaving. The 16 year old caecilian had gotten more independent as he grew and made regular visits outside of his home. He was able to explore the ocean more since it was only his mother that was banished to their home. He'd bring back anything she'd ask for though. Caspian was a curious and smart handsome fellow who enjoyed any opportunity to learn more.

The teenager swam through the water, traveling around a bit and closer to the surface, collecting small creatures and objects he'd find as he was a collector of sorts. He'd collect small creatures to eat and little objects he'd find that would help him in his exploring like this plastic things that humans throw away that can hold water and he could use those to put water on himself if he's above water too long.

(please do not throw plastic in the ocean, thinking animals can use it, they don't know how to use plastic and will thing of it as food, I know some of you may thing this is a stupid disclaimer but sometimes people take things literally)


Caspian's collected multiple bottles of water at this point and was keeping them in a sack he was carrying around as he went through the water. He was getting closer to the shore and saw something that caught his attention. "ooh, those tiny crabs mom likes" he said seeing a bunch of them crawling around underwater on the rocky walls, just beyond the rocky surface was the tidepools and the waves were already crashing in.

Caspian hummed to himself as he tried to think. "She said not get too close to the tidepools but she'd really like those crabs if I just grabbed a few, maybe if I'm fast, I can make it in and out" He said thinking as his tentacles grabbed onto a nearby rock to prevent him from drifting away when he was thinking.

He watched the waves crash on the rocks and flow into the tide pools before pulling out again. Each wave either brought in a new set of creatures or took a few out or did nothing. He timed them carefully, "Each wave takes 20 seconds to form and flow in, 15 seconds of crashing and then 10 seconds to pull out into the ocean again" he mumbled to himself as he waited patiently.

When Caspian saw his chance, he darted through the water and up to the tidepools, grabbing handfuls of the tiny crabs and shoving them into his bag, winching when he got pinched a bit.

But, unfortunately, he timed the waves wrongly and felt a big one crash into him, forcing him onto the rough surface of the tidepools. He didn't think that was too bad as he attempted to get back in the water but the waves were pulling him out when they were going back to the ocean. He felt himself yanked across the tidepools, suffering scrapes and bumps before he felt a painful yank on one of his tentacles. "ow!" He grunted.

Looking down, Caspian's face turned white with fear when he saw that one of his tentacles had gotten stuck and he couldn't move out. He was still young for a caecilian and didn't really have the power or strength to unwedge himself that easily. "The one thing mom told me not to do" He mumbled remembering his mother's warning. He made multiple attempts to get out but it was useless. "at least the waves are still here" he said feeling a wave crash against him, making him hydrate since he was out of the water.


Magaly had grown into a beautiful shy young woman who's curiosity often got the better of her, especially now that she was getting more into her powers. "Maggie, if you would just-!" Hades tried to get his daughter to relax since she kept teleporting all over the place, her attention being grabbed by the next best thing.

"Hey, do you think they make collars big enough for Ceberus? Where's pain and panic? When can I visit mom? Do you know what it might be like if the underworld and Mount Olympus combined? Can we survive in water?" Magaly asked multiple questions at once, teleporting all over the lair.

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