Maleficent catch up

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They meet them/They're born

Maleficent peered down at the infant in the crib, so small, so insignificant compared to more powerful beings in the world like his mother. The baby's skin tone was a dark pale green, black horns on his head with black hair. His father was nowhere around but Maleficent could care less in all honesty as she watched her new son for a moment. Small dragon like wings had grown out of his back, All fairy children have their wings at birth, when they get older is when they'll be able to learn how to use them, hide them and transform with them.

"hmm, just imagine how powerful you're going to be one day, you can do and take over anything you want, you can turn yourself into a dragon at will and cast spells and whatever you please" She said gently picking up the infant, causing him to fuss a bit as he woke up, opening his yellow eyes. He wiggled his nose slightly before sneezing and suddenly transforming into a baby dragon in her arms, finishing the sneeze with a flame. Maleficent widened her eyes slightly before stroking his head as he yawned, showing off little baby dragon fangs.

"hmm, " Maleficent hummed cradling him in her arm as she sauntered out of the room with him.


"Little one, those are not for you to play with" Maleficent couldn't help but chuckle as her infant son's chubby hands had grabbed her horns when she gotten a little too close to his hands, he was still a newborn but was at the age of wanting to grab everything.

The baby cooed and attempted to put his mouth on them but his mother was able to stop him and take his hands away. "you have your own" Maleficent touched his own tiny horns on his heads, which made him shudder since it was a new feeling. "hmm" she hummed picking him up as she examined him for a moment before taking him into her throne room, holding him close.

"What goes on at King Stephen's castle today?" Maleficent asked her minions.

"Nothing much to report, the kingdom is going wonderful, your Evilness" One of the goblins stated.

" awful.....i'm going to send just a weed problem their way, just for some fun" Maleficent mulled over out loud, staring at the castle in the distant. So shiny and shimmering and perfectly disgusting. Her thoughts went to King Stephen, remembering how he could've been the one..........Wait, one.....that's it. She looked down at her son who peered back up at her, "Ace" She stated after thinking for a moment. "That shall be your name, Ace, it means one in Latin and you are my perfect one" She said, stroking his small head.

First words

Maleficent was giving Ace a bath as the baby boy slapped the water happily and curiously. "Behave yourself, little one, you want to look your best every day" Maleficent stated pouring water over his head, causing him to laugh and blow air through the water.

Maleficent took him out of the bath and dried him off gently before putting him in a fresh diaper and laying him on the bed so she could pick out an outfit for him.

Ace began to cry when he wasn't in his mother's hold anymore, he grunted and kicked his feet in a tantrum. Maleficent hummed to herself, ignoring him when she realized that he was fine. She was a patient woman who often gave a lot of time to her victims to see the outcome but Ace wasn't one of her victims, he was her son which required more patience.

"Mama!" Ace cried, looking upset as his little yellow eyes almost glowed with anger.

Maleficent was a bit shocked as she stopped from searching and gently picked him up. "Did you just speak?" she asked softly.

"Mama" Ace cooed at her, kicking his tiny feet as he reached at her.

Maleficent slowly but warmly smiled or as close to a warm smile as she could create as she held him close to her.

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