The kids visit home with their families (adult)

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Queen of Hearts

"get back here!"


"don't touch that!"


"get off your brother and held me find your other brother!"

The Queen of Hearts was trying her best to remain composed as she cringed from every sound her grandsons were making as they ran through the castle with their father at their heels. Her beloved daughter was visiting home with her children and husband after they've left a while back, she heard they were running a camp now for other children.

"So, is she, um, walking yet?" The Queen asked Envy who was holding her infant daughter in her arms. "not quite but her brothers are very eagar, they want her to be able to play with them" Envy smiled at the little baby. "How Adorable!" The Queen cooed loudly down at the baby who stared up at her grandmother in confusion but curiosity. Squelching noises were heard as the two women looked to the side and saw one of the little boys walking along, humming as he was soaking wet and muddy, making tracks as he went before disappearing into another room. "oh, it looks like Toby found the moat" Envy giggled.

"yes, strong swimmer, is he?" The Queen of Hearts sipping some tea, visibly cringing when the sound of tearing curtains and more crashes could be heard along with more yelling. "WHY ARE YOU ALL WET?!"

"oh, yes, he loves to swim at home, I sometimes have to prevent him from going when he's just had a bath" Envy chuckled, almost oblivious to the chaos around them but thinking to herself how she'll fix it once they were done with their visit. "Lovely" The Queen of Hearts said with a gritted smile, hoping and praying silently that her granddaughter won't take after her brothers.

Cruella De Vil

"They're simple Marvelous, Darling! wherever did you find them?" Cruella asked her son as they sat outside together with some coffee while Xavier and Dolly's son played the piano inside with his mother sitting next to him. Their daughter remained outside with her father and grandmother, drawing a picture on some paper.

"well, you know that orphanage you were going to drop me off at when I was a baby?" Xavier asked. "yes, i remember that one, such sad little faces in the windows" Cruella shrugged.

"well, we've been thinking about having kids for a while, Dolly didn't want to be pregnant and I didn't want to deal with a lot of diapers and baby things so we just adopted instead" Xavier smiled. "Last spring when we last visited you, we went ahead and stopped at that same orphanage and were initially going to adopt just the one but we found out she had a twin brother, even better, double the joy of one and who were we to separate siblings? so we took them both and they've been great on the ship and such" Xavier shrugged.

"Darling, is it hard to raise them on Neverland? they're children who might not grow up" Cruella asked him. "well, not entirely, the youth works slightly different, if you're a Neverland-born, you'll still grow but if you were to be from say here and then brought there, than you'll never grow up" Xavier explained before his daughter came up to them and showed the picture she was drawing.

"ah, lovely, I can't wait to see them grow up into such lovely artists" Cruella commented on the picture while listening to the music that her grandson made on the piano.

Captain Hook

"Higher, higher, put your back into it, that's a lad!" Hook encouraged his grandson into releasing the sails.

"Father, are you trying to turn my son into a pirate?" Dolly asked her father as she came to the top deck of her father's ship and saw what was going on.

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