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1964| Brooklyn, New York |

1964| Brooklyn, New York |4 MONTHS LATER

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Her dark skin

Her curves

Her Lips

"What on earth have you been thinking about Son?" Frank's Father asked, with folded hands under his chin. For at least about twenty seconds his heir been in a deep thought. Ocean ones flickered at
the expensive glass windows that explored the outside world, couples walking hand and hand. Freely.

"Nothing much." Frank short answer clipped the air, the well-mannered Italian man across from him leaned forward nicely observing Frank's untouched
Rib-eye steak. "Been around the world enjoying the porcelain atmosphere, which reminds me did you get my letta about taking a trip to Hawaii?"

Subsiding his offspring he proceeded. "Yes, and I also gotten the letta about this special Woman you'd been raving about—"

Frank immediately cut his steak. "Yeah, I think you and Ma would love the trip. Although you both aren't togetha." He didn't wanna discuss Aurora that was a topic he rather brush under the wrong. Frankie was conflicted with his feelings, but, it didn't stop him from having sex with other women. A short pause bleed from Frank Senior mouth, suddenly he pulled his eyebrow together at the young male's behavior.

"You could go visit other areas there, do adventures that you'd never done before—"

"Was she a beauty?"

"I even think Ma would love the wata
out there, don't you Pa? The brochure said somethin' about boat rides. ."

"How beautiful was she. ."

"I was thinkin' it could be a Family trip. ."

"Frankie. Is everything alright? You
know I'm honored that you are makin'
an effort of me and your mother getting back together an option. but. ." Harshly swallowing his food, troubled eyes
shift between the lovely couple
and then his father.

"Everything is fine. Ha, you worry too much. I'm fine." Without a doubt, an image of him and Aurora lip locking outside passed his vision.

His father couldn't take it. He had to
pull the bandage off and reply. "You
keep looking at this couple, ya changed the subject when I asked about huh. What's going on Son?" He rolled his sleeves up setting his fork on the plate, chewing slowly.

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