Chapter 18: Rain

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Rain, rain pouring everywhere.
The objects outside went in to take shelter
and others, like Teardrop, stayed outside.
The pool was currently getting covered as the rain can overfill the pool and that will be so bad.
"UGH I HATE RAIN!" Screamed Fanny while going inside the hotel.
"Well I... like rain! But I will get ruined if I get wet." Fan said.
"Well that's unfortunate, see, why don't you all get to know eachother better! Since none of you are going anywhere anyway." Two happily said as went to call the other  contestants to join in on their idea.

Two had to force some of the objects inside
as they refused to communicate with others. Luckily for Teardrop, she was the only one allowed to stay outside since... well she can't talk.

On the other hand, Taco had to stay hidden as she spotted Two and knew their doing.
The closest building near was the Hotel that was just made yesterday. To make matters worst, the Hotel made for the B.F.B contestants was closed due to the fact no-one was supposed to be there now.
"Darn it, why must this breathing number be so difficult." Taco muttered under her breath. She heard him nearby so she has to stay real quite at this time.
Taco only felt their footsteps get closer and closer. This was bad. If they continue coming this way, she would get forced to go inside with the others. Step, step, step.

"Two! What are you doing?! Get back inside! No-one else is outside other than you and Teardrop!" A voice yelled from a distance.
"Sorry mate! Thought I will keep on looking since my instincts told me!" Two replied going back to the building.

Taco took her hand off her mouth and let herself breath normally again. Breathing heavily, she took this chance and went to get proper shelter. She ran to the other hotel and used a clip to open the door.

"Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to go for a morning walk," Taco started, "I definitely need to be more careful now."

As she started to walk around, she heard someone come in but... she didn't here the door open nor the keys opening it.
Who ever was there, felt light and was probably small since their footsteps were almost not heard. Taco hid under a small table with a cloth covering it so she would be hid better. While whoever was there, they were coming round the corner and Taco thought this would be a perfect opportunity to see them.
After the object past her, Taco saw that the footsteps they leave are completely wet.

"Could they be the..." As Taco began, she heard the object come back.
'shot, they heard me' Taco said in her mind.
When the object was slowly pulling the cloth of the table she was under, Taco took this chance to push them away and run.

She pushed them.
Only the sound of them falling was heard.
Even if it was really faint.
Taco turned round.
It was a .... water drop?

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