Chapter 33: the silence

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Knife P.O.V:

Microphone and I had been wondering around for a while as we didn't find the other contestants. We DID check the dam hotel but it was filled with nothing but spiders and cobwebs.
I thought they were returned to this world but I guess I was wrong. This place was quite. Too quiet... Almost like we were the only ones here... Maybe we were the only ones.

"Hey Mic, don't you get the feeling that somethings off?" I asked while looking around and walking.
"Definitely! Didn't you hear the tiny noises when we entered the hotel? It sounded like it was so close yet so far.." Microphone responded.
"I-... Nevermind I guess."

After that, it was just awkward silence.
"Ugh we checked everywhere.."
Microphone said underneath her breath.

There wasn't many places to look exept for the... THE CAVE!
"Wait! we checked every where but the cave!"I told her.
"What cave?"
"Y'know, the one were Taco tried to kill me in!" I said, getting a short flashback of the memory.
"Oohhh, that cave. Where episode 13 took place in right?" Microphone said.

When we reached the place. We stopped right were the entrance was. I didn't understand why but I could tell it was pulling us in. Inside were little noises, but the deeper we got the louder it became. Whatever was there it sure isn't good with stealth. Inside the cave was pretty cold. I could feel the freeze from the tip of my head to the bottom of my feet. I really wish I owned shoes at this point. The floor felt rough and some what wet while the walls were easily broken and dry. We stopped where the cave split in two paths. The left side appearance was just the same as this but a little more narrow. The other path had a track where am guessing is where I went to last time.
"I think it's best to stick together honestly. I also think we should take a look at each one before we can make a decision." Microphone explained clearly as she took a peek at each one.
"C'mon am getting bored here! Plus we went here before. Why is it such a big deal now?" I said, waiting for any kind of reply.

"Uh, Knife... I don't mean to startle you but we need to run. NOW!" I didn't know what she meant but it was to late as she grabbed my arm and sprinted for the exit. From the pulling and speeding, I couldn't look behind me. What I did see or at least felt was an arrow inject my leg and make me
feel so tired I guess I lost consciousness.
I remember hearing voices that sounded too familiar to me. I may have heard it not too long ago.
"Wait no why do you shot?! They aren't strangers!" Said a voice.
"Well a bit too late isn't it?!" Said another voice.

I wake up on a weirdly different ground it felt only slightly softer and instead of the freeze I felt warmth.
"Ugh.. what happened?" As I completely open my eyes I saw that I was on a stack of leafs and was covered by a jacket. Next to me was Microphone only two feet away in a similar leaf stack but instead, covered in a small thin cloth. Where the hell are we even?
"Oh you are finally awake! I was starting to worry you would be asleep till next morning." Said a voice nearby. I turn my head to look at the object only to see Suitcase, Paper and OJ.
"Wha-? Are we still inside the cave? Why aren't you three even outside of The hotel?" I questioned all of them, looking at each one.
"Well I wish we could go back to the hotel. But sadly why can't do that. At least not for now." Told paper.
"Well why not? Are you perhaps scared to go inside after leaving it for so long?" I said, pushing them to answer the question.

"The reason is none of your business.
You should be at least grateful we were kind enough to lend you a warm place. Especially with this situation." Said OJ strictly.

As we stared at each other pissed, the place started to shake.
"Fu- fricking darn it! It's here again.." OJ said nervously.

728 words!!!)))))

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