Chapter 38: she tricked me, didn't she?

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(I have no idea what to put on the warning)


"Kn-Knife2?" Said Microphone, confused and scared.
Knife2, not being able to see, gasped and
punched whatever was right Infront of him. Luckily for Microphone, he missed by an inch.
"Who goes there?!" Knife2 exclaimed
and questioned as he "looked" around.

"Knife2! It's me, Microphone! Y'know..
The tall object that can umm- scream really loud?" Microphone said, hoping he would be able to remember.
"Hello? Are you..?"
"Microphone?.. I thought you... wait are
you the other one?" Knife2 questioned
with a sad tone as he faced her direction.

"I- I'm the other one."




They both stayed silent. It was kinda
awkward but neither wanted to break it until-

"Umm.. are you still there?" Knife2
Said. Moving his head around.

"Yeah why?"

"I... I think it's my fault why 'your' Taco
Ended up the way she did right now." Knife told her.

"Why? It's totally not your fault she
went crazy and almost killed us."

"I hurt her pretty bad.... Not the one
where you guys were there. The other one."

"W-what? What other one?!" Microphone yelled in curiousity.

"When Taco and I fought in the umm..
Infirmary room? I thought only about getting rid of anyone who looked like Taco2. With revenge and all my friends only in my mind, I left her
really bruised up and bloody.
She looked at me with confusion and anger
so I just explained who I was. Weirdly,
She laughed mischievously and knocked down a whole cabinet. The cabinet, made
out of wood, obviously broke but what
what made ME confused is how she gouge out her eye and throw herself onto the cabinet....
Only later on did I realise why she did
what she did." Knife2 explained the story calmly and softly. Microphone though,
was left if horror and disbelief.
She wondered back to when they found
her body and how much sense Knife2s
Story actually made. 'I mean- look at
Taco2s size!' she thought 'obviously it made
more sense for Knife2 to be there anyway..'

Microphone just looked at him.
Her eyebrows were narrow and her eyes were down. A single water drop fell down her eye.
"She tricked me... Didn't she?" Microphone
said in a low voice.
"S-she tricked me again.. And I fell
for it!" She crouched down to a ball
and started to think if all the days of
visiting her after she got bruised up badly.
"I remember her never waking up.
Was she actually able to fight you? Did she really just put on a scene to trick everyone on to putting you away in a room?" She said  hesitantly and sad as the tears started to flow.
Knife got onto his knees and made his hand slowly to her head to pat it for comfort.
Microphone didn't say a thing but
felt bad about making someone who has been through worst comfort her. They both just stayed there. Not a word was mentioned but their friendship grew a little bit more.

504 words)))
Thought we were gonna make somewhat of a record of how many chapters I will make with satisfing even numbers))))

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