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What happens immediately after death?
In time, the heart stops and you stop breathing. Within a few minutes, your brain stops functioning and your skin starts to cool. At this point, you've died.

How long after death is rebirth?

49 days!
Tibetan Buddhists believe that there is an in-between stage known as the Bardo which can take up to 49 days. Theravada Buddhists ( from Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos and Cambodia) consider that rebirth can be immediate. Those who attain enlightenment ( Nirvana/Nibbana) do not get reborn upon their death.

What happens to your soul after you die?

There is an eternal life that follows death, so when a person dies, their soul moves on to another world. On the Day of Resurrection, the Soul will be returned to a new body and people will stand before god for judgement.

Can you be reincarnated if you're cremated?

One of the core beliefs of Balinese Hinduism is reincarnation. Cremation is the only way to release the soul from the body to allow reincarnation to occur. As such, an adult child's most important duty to their parents is to carry out a proper cremation ceremony for them.

What is reincarnation/ what happens?

Reincarnation, also known as rebirth, transmigration or in Ancient Greek- inspired texts, metempsychosis, is the philosophical or religious concept that the non-physical essence of a living being begins a new life in a different physical form or body after biological death.

Is rebirth real?

In a short answer, being reborn and rebirth isn't just a concept. It could just as well be the truth but there's no solid proof to prove it to be true, however,that doesn't mean that it's not real because there's no proof for it to be proven wrong.

A/n: Heyy! This is my first book I've ever been writing into so I hope you like it! Please vote on it if you have time and if you'd like, comment down your beliefs and views on Rebirth and Reincarnation!


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