Some more facts!!

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What are the four cycles of reincarnation?

The cycle of reincarnation, or Samsara includes birth, life, death and finally rebirth. After death the soul contained in the astral body, or the subtle body, will move on while the physical body will die.

What happens to your soul after your death?

There are seven positive regions the soul can go to after death and seven negative regions. After completing its stay in the respective region, the soul is subjected to rebirth in different living forms according to its Karma. This cycle can be broken after the soul achieves 'Moksha' or 'Nirvana'.

What is the cycle of reincarnation??

Lacking proper knowledge, each soul is stuck in a cycle of reincarnation called 'Samsara', in which each is born into a variety of physical bodies including that of plants and animals. From body to body, and from species to species, each soul lives one lifetime after the next, all the while ignorant of its Divine nature.

How do you know who you were in your past life?

Once you start noticing patterns( for example, you've always loved the guitar even if you don't have a clue on how to play it) these could be clues about some aspect of a past life!

What is the symbol of Samsara??

Wheel of Samsara —>

Symbol of Reincarnation the cycle of death and rebirth ( Sacral sign of all Indian religions).


A/n: Hiya! For the next update would you like to see  an explanation of " AFTER LIFE", DIFFERENT METAPHYSICAL MODELS" or " REINCARNATION" ? There's quite a lot in the Reincarnation chapter and the After life chapter! Not as much in the different metaphysical models chapter but it's almost the same!! Let me know in the comments please!! Also Ty for 5 reads 💗 I didn't think anyone would read this, but anyways thank you! I really appreciate it!
Make sure to comment down which chapter I should release!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2023 ⏰

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