𝐢𝐢𝐢. mortal memories

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"A human?" Rosalie hissed, arms crossed across her chest as her amber eyes pierced her brother's. "How could you be so utterly stupid, Edward?"

"It wasn't his choice, Rose." Carlisle stated carefully from his armchair as he looked reprimanding at the blonde vampire who huffed in frustration, throwing her hands up in the air.

They had just returned home from school for that day and Edward had called a meeting of the coven, something everyone other than Alice seemed to be particularly suspicious of as Edward usually had very very little to say. Particularly after school as his and Violet's social batteries always seemed to plummet with even the slightest excursion into the outside world.

But with Edward's confession that he had found his blood singer in the form of the new human girl, Bella Swan, all social protocols seemed to slip away from each vampire.

"We can't ignore it." Rosalie scoffed. "This human could get us all killed."

Luckily for Edward, Violet laid a hand on Rosalie's shoulder from where she was sat on the arm rest of George's chair. The blonde haired vampire seemed to relax ever so slightly under the touch of her mate but the glare she was sending Edward did not dissipate even as he began to speak.

"Trust me, I know." Edward said with a sigh, running a hand through his hair. "Which is why I will be leaving. For some time."

"What?" Violet's voice came out quieter than she intended it to, a hurt look on her face which pained Edward. He didn't like to see his sister sad. "Where?"

"I have discussed it with Carlisle, I'll be going up to the Denali's for a little while." Edward said softly, for the benefit of Violet who looked up at him wide eyed as her wife stepped back and curled an arm around her waist. "Don't worry. I won't be gone for too long. God knows Rose won't miss me."

"But I will." Violet protested. "We'll be okay. You're stronger than bloodlust, surely."

"Sometimes we not stronger than our own natures, Violet." Carlisle corrected, though not unkindly as venom began to pool in Violet's eyes. God she wished she could cry. She missed crying. "Edward has to do this for himself.

"I wish I didn't have to." Edward said gently, a small smile on his face as he addressed Violet. "I'll be back before you know it."

Violet nodded, her face still somewhat sad as she resigned herself to the fact that man she thought of as an older brother was going to be leaving her for God knows how long. she practically clung to her Rosalie as they said their goodbye's and watched Edward's car disappear down the wooded lane.

"I'm not going anywhere, my love." Rosalie said softly, pressing a kiss to the hairline of her smaller wife as she held her back close to her chest. "Don't ever worry about that."

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"The human is staring at us." Rosalie scoffed, lowering her glass to send the brunette girl across the parking lot a pointed look which clearly she did not take notice of as she continued staring on. Rosalie scoffed as she wound her arm territorially around Violet's waist. "She needs to learn the boundary between curious and pathetic."

"Why?" George said, leaning against the car opposite the two women. "You haven't yet."

Rosalie kicked his shin harshly at that, making Violet giggle. This brought a small smile to the faces of all coven members. Ever since Edward had left, Violet had been at war within herself. As mentioned previously, the girl would go quiet at times to calm herself down after so long of no one wanting to hear her voice. This silent stage was usually easy with a mind reader with them but without, she had no clear way of communication when she went silent.

It tended to frustrate her greatly but each coven member were exceedingly patient with the ex ballerina. She never felt like a burden when she was with them, it was a great comfort to her.

It also helped that Rosalie always understood her, no matter the complication.

So when she felt the usual stares and the added stare of the curious Swan girl became far too overbearing, she merely had to tug on the sleeve of her wife's arm without a word and Rosalie was quick to understand.

"Violet and I are going to the library. Let's see if we can find a bear in a book which resembles the one that went after Emmett, I'd like to call him up." Rosalie said with a tone of amusement as Emmett sent them a mock look of annoyance as he ruffled Violet's hair and she pouted and looked at Rosalie with an astounded look on her face. "Don't worry my love, you still look just as beautiful."

If Violet could blush, she would do so ten times over. But instead she merely hid her face in the crook of her wife's neck.

"Absolute saps." George exclaimed, turning to his husband beside him whose arm was currently slung around his shoulder. "We're not that bad, are we?"


"Yes you are." Jasper drawled, still mocking his family even while trying desperately not to drain every pupil at this school's blood. "You are even worse."

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"So it's called a 'Stone Bruise'?" 

"Sometimes yes." Carlisle said from the couch across from Violet who was sat on the floor while Alice braided her hair from the chair she was sat on behind her. "But the proper medical term is metatarsalgia."

It was a quiet day in the Cullen house. After three weeks with no word from their resident telepath, the coven had calmed somewhat as all they could do was either await his return or move on. Violet had found her voice again after a few days but that did not mean she did not await the return of her dear friend daily.

"Can we not discuss 'stone bruises'." George groaned, rubbing his eyes with his head laid on Emmett's lap. "It's sounds vile."

"It is." Carlisle chuckled, turning a page in his book as he spoke. "It's a condition in which the ball of your foot becomes painful and inflamed. A lot of dancers have it."

"Vi used to limp when she walked." Rosalie said softly, reminiscing about those few weeks when she knew her wife as a mortal. "She always refused not to wear heels. She always said she wanted to be taller than me."

"I probably wanted to be the same height as you for once." Violet stated and Rosalie nodded with a smile on her face.

"Do you still not remember anything?" Emmett asked curiously, no malice in his tone as he spoke. "From... before?"

"No, not particularly." The ex ballerina said, feeling Alice weave a ribbon in her braid with a kind of concentration Violet wished she could possess. "I remember Rose, I remember dance and um... that last day. But nothing before that."

Rosalie would never say it but she was glad Violet did not remember. No child should remember the full extent of their mother's cruelty.

"I don't remember much either." Alice chirped, clearly far more joyous about that fact in comparison to Violet but that was no matter. "Sometimes that for the best. I can't see the past but now I can see the future. That's how me and Jas found all of you!"

"And never have we been more grateful." Esme said with a smile that Alice returned but then her face fell. She dropped the braid she was doing and went rigid. Immediately, Jasper was at her side.

"Alice, Darlin'." He said in his gentle southern drawl. "What do you see?"

Violet stood, watching carefully as she stepped back to give the couple some space as she walked into Rosalie's open arms and curled into her embrace with her eyes still latched on the seer and her cowboy.

"Edward." The brunette girl said, blinking hard as she came out of the vision with a happy look upon her face. "He's back."

That was when they all heard the car pull up oil the driveway and Violet smiled. Her brother was back.

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𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐒 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐒 | rosalie haleWhere stories live. Discover now