Chapter 1 (Isa)

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I had just gotten back home after doing some back to school shopping. You know, I was getting the usual: notebooks, folders, pencils, pens, a backpack, a new pencil case, markers, colored pencils, tea. The usual things I would get. It was my sophomore year. I was no longer a tiny freshman. And I had to show that.
That's when a portal appeared in my room. The Multiverse's voice came out of it.
"I have another mission for you," he said.
"Already? I asked. "I literally got back from Earth-14 two weeks ago. When I took this job, I didn't think the missions would be this compacted together."
"They usually aren't. I do it now because the school year is starting. And your newest mission is going to take the entire school year."
"What?" I cried. "Please don't tell me I have to unenroll out of my current school!"
"No, you will not. Just like your last mission, time will stop here, and on Earth-14 if you would like for the entire duration of your time there."
"So I will be away from Percy and Annabeth for two years instead?" I asked, sadly.
"Yes. But they will not know."
"Will I still be able to send postcards to them?" I asked.
"Yes. I am all powerful. I will send them for you."
I took a deep breath. "Okay. Just let me pack my stuff."
I grabbed a bag, and started packing essentials, hygiene products, snacks, medications, tea, my stuffed elephant Indigo, clothes; my necessary items. I packed reading books, my song notebook, my drawing notebook, my design notebook, my sewing items, a med-kit, safety kit, my sword, my elemental instrument, and my Miraculous box. I felt ready for whatever this new mission was gonna be.
Then, as I zipped up my bag, I stepped through the portal, wondering why this mission was gonna take an entire school year.

I landed in an alleyway. The environment was dark and gloomy. The cars on the street were old. I could tell there weren't as many safety features.
"Where have you brought me, Multiverse?" I asked.
"I have brought you to 1991, England, Earth-20."
"19? What are you talking about, 19? Why? Hygiene isn't as good here! Oh my gods, why have you brought me here?"
"To go to school."
"School?" I asked. "I was already enrolled in a good school with a great musical theater program! Something I want to pursue! What, do I have to start speaking like a British person too? Botto' o watuh!"
"Not just any school. A magic school."
"What type of school is magic? Do they only learn potions and spells? That's not beneficial."
"You must work with me. It will be a new experience for you. Plus, you'll no longer be the youngest here. You'll be the oldest. Two years older, in fact."
My eyes widened. "It's gonna look like I was held back!"
"No, it will not. You fit in quite well."
"No, I will not!" I cried. "I'm already starting to grow boobs! I'm starting to get acne, grow hair everywhere I don't want it to grow! Even worse, I have to be worried about getting my period! And I barely know what that is! All I know, is that I'm gonna get pain in my pubic area, and blood coming out of my private area! That's not fitting in with a bunch of eleven year olds!"
"Calm down. I trust you will figure it out. You will be going to as school called Hogwarts."
"I never had any consent to this!" I said. "Multiverse!"
No response. He had left me to my own devices. This was just great. Now my mind was thinking in sarcasm. So, 1991, London. What was I supposed to do now?
That's when a dark ghastly figure appeared out of nowhere and hissed at me. It lunged at me. I screamed. "Oh hell no! What the hell are you?"
Energy came out of my hands, and started shooting at the figure. But it was harmless against it.
That's when a big man pulled out a wand in front of me, and casted some sort of spell. The ghastly figure disappeared.
"Now is to wonder why that ghost was attacking you," the man said. He looked a bit like a hobo Santa Claus, just with brown hair. He had a big beard, big body, big everything.
"What was that?" I asked. "Who are you?"
"A dementor," he said. "Do you know why he was attacking you, a muggle?"
"That sounds racist." I said. "What is that supposed to mean?"
"Oh, non-wizard folk." He said. "Maybe you're not a muggle. Was that energy coming out of your hands?"
I nodded.
The man looked around. "I'm Hagrid. How old are you? Eleven, twelve?"
"Thirteen?" Hagrid asked. "Well, that's a little old to be first-year. Did you ever get a letter from a school called Hogwarts? Where do you live?"
"I don't have a home," I said. "Not anymore."
"Well, that explains a lot. What's your name, little girl?"
"Isabella Gomez-Jeanne."
"A partially French name. That's rare to find around these parts. Hold on, I'll contact somebody."
He turned around and started speaking with somebody. Then a portal opened in front of him, and an old man who looked like a skinny version of Santa Claus came out.
"Dumbledore," Hagrid said. "I found a lost witch. She says she's thirteen, and has no home, but she has magical powers."
"Let me see this witch," the older man said.
Hagrid turned to me. "Isabella, this is Dumbledore."
Dumbledore looked at me. "I don't see anything unusual about her."
I thought about what the Multiverse had told me when I took this job as its uniter. I wouldn't be able to leave until the mission was completed. I couldn't stay longer than I was supposed to here. I needed to show this old guy that I was worthy of going to his school somehow.
"You should've seen it," Hagrid said. "She had energy coming out of her hands."
"I'm—I'm a demigod," I stuttered. "Half goddess of the earth, half wizard. The goddess is not present, but my father is dead. I'm called the Angel of Life, Creation, and Elements."
I took out my elemental instrument. It turned into an electric guitar, and I began to play it and sing, and electricity started sparking all around me.  My outfit turned dark, and my hair turned purple.

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