Chapter 3

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On the first day, I woke up early. I knew there was very little space to show off style, since we would have to wear robes. But I could find a way to show it off. I took out my black dance shoes, that had flower etchings on them, and put them on. I turned my magical earrings into a daisy design. Then, I put a red headband bow on my head. A little American style.
I went and had breakfast, then went to my first class: Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall.
As I entered the classroom, I could see everyone staring at me.
"Um, why is everyone staring at me?" I asked. "Is the bow too much? It's American style...Or is it the shoes? Or the earrings? I just wanted to have a bit of style, because these robes aren't exactly what I call fashionable...I usually make my own clothes, and I could make the uniform better in many ways. It's actually quite hot in these."
Everyone shrugged, and I sat down in my seat. Harry and Ron were not here yet. Proffesor McGonagall gave us an assignment, and as we were doing it, Harry and Ron ran in, and apologized to Professor McGonagall for being late, then, began working on their assignments.
Before everyone else finished, I finished my assignment, and my hand shot up into the air.
"Yes, Ms. Jeanne?" Proffesor McGonagall asked.
"I finished my assignment," I said, putting my hand down.
"You finished? Already?" Professor McGonagall asked.
I nodded. She came over, and I handed her my paper. She looked at it with intent, and was shocked when she found no mistakes.
"Isabella," Professor McGonagall said, "Both Hagrid and Professor Dumbledore have told me you have special abilities. You demonstrated one last night. Hagrid mentions you being able to transfigure yourself into animals, although you were not a witch yet, is that correct? Because it seems you do have a thing for transfiguration."
I nodded. "But I can only turn into four big cats and another animal, and a bird, I can turn into a tiger, a lioness, cheetah, black panther, an elephant and I haven't fully mastered the macaw."
"Do you mind showing me them? All except the elephant. That's too big for in here."
"Oh okay. . ." I said.
I got up, and ran to the door, and turned back. I took a deep breath, and as I ran through the aisle between the two rows of desks, I transformed into a cheetah. I had a sleek yellow body with black spots, with four long, sleek legs, and a tail.
I noticed everyone else glancing at me, and became a little nervous, being the center of attention. Then, I ran back, turning back into a human again, on my arms and legs. I quickly got up, and did the same thing again, except this time I transformed into a lioness. Yet again, my body was sleek, but I was beige, with muscular legs. I ran back, and turned back into the human.
Then, I did the same thing again, but now I transformed into a beautiful tigress.
Then again, with the black panther.
Then, I tried my best with the macaw.
Professor McGonagall seemed impressed. She told me that after I finished my assignments, every time I was in her class, I would practice with her. I was glad I was advancing with my powers.

Next, was Professor Flitwick's class: Charms. There, he taught us how to do the spell, "Wingardium Leviosa", which would make things levitate. Although I could technically already do that with my telekinesis. But, I still went along with it, since I couldn't really learn anything new for my powers in this class. But this kid, Neville, kept setting his feather on fire for some reason. Hermione corrected Ron on the spell, but somehow, I discovered the American version of it, called "Uppity Fuckity," and it worked. It made me start cracking up with laughter.

Next, after this, was Professor Snape's class: Potions. He was the Professor who had been staring at us, during the feast last night. To my unfortunate dismay, Draco was in this class.
I was paying attention to the teacher, and Harry was taking notes. Snape thought he was not paying attention. But I defended him, since I was sitting right there.
"Listen here," I said standing up, "He's taking notes, so don't be assuming that he's not paying attention. It's only the first day, and I already don't like you. You look like a snake. You act like my old World History teacher, who was so dramatic and strict about absolutely everything! You smell like burning sulfur, and I don't like that smell. I don't think anyone would like that smell because sulfur already stinks bad enough by itself. I don't talk bad about people behind their back. I keep it to myself. If it's annoying enough, I'll tell it to their face."
Professor Snape backed away from me, and continued to teach, and I had a feeling that Snape would make my life hell.
After this, was History of Magic, and Defense Against the Dark Arts.
We were walking in the courtyard, and Ron was talking about how annoying Hermione was.
"Ron!" I scolded. "Don't talk bad about people behind their backs! They could hear it!"
All of a sudden Hermione barged through, upset.
"See Ron?" I said. "You hurt her feelings!"

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