Chapter 6

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As December arrived, I finally got to use my winter fashion designs. The air got cold, and soon, it was snowing. Duchess had gotten her winter feathers, and she was ready for it. It wasn't long before snow came. Hogwarts was quite beautiful in the snow. It was like a Winter Wonderland. I took pictures to make into postcards.
I was rocking the winter look, but not the winter temperature. I had lived in Florida for all my life. I wasn't used to this. But the snow was a new experience. I built a snowman for the first time, had a snowball fight, and caught snowflakes in my mouth. It was now that I discovered I could control ice without transforming into Elsa. I was singing Christmas Carols whenever I could, because now was the time to do so.
Most of the students were, in fact, going back to their families this month, including Hermione. Unfortunately, not Draco. Even worse, he had all the time in the world to pester me. It was about to be a bad Christmas.
Meanwhile, Harry, Ron, and I were researching anything we could find in the Sorcerer's Stone, thanks to Annabeth's suggestion. She had also said if they had seen Snape do it, it had to be true, especially if they didn't lie to me. And I knew they weren't. I would've heard their true thoughts.
I was still trying my hardest to learn Arabic, but Draco felt the need to harass me all the time. Even when I was just trying to eat tacos!
"Why are you eating tacos?" He asked. "Are you Mexican or something?"
"Firstly, that's sterotypical and racist," I said. "And secondly, I'm craving tacos. If I want tacos, I can have tacos! And there's one thing you should learn about me. If you keep me from my food or ruin it, I become hangry. I become a wild beast. I will attack mercilessly. So leave me and my soft tacos alone. Maybe it's because you're a jerk, that your father didn't want to spend Christmas with you."
"Well, your parents don't want you either," Draco retorted, thinking he had finally gotten to me.
"My parents are absent and dead, dummy. I have to stay here. So shut your mouth. I want my tacos."
I pushed him away from me.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the worst incident I would have in the snowy month of December. I didn't know that an eleven-year-old could go as far as what he did that fateful day.

I was on my way to the library to research with Harry and Ron about the Sorcerer's Stone. I was walking in the halls, writing in my song notebook, writing lyrics for one of my newest songs.
   That's when Draco ran past me, snatching the book out of my hands.
   "Try to catch me for it!" He laughed.
   "Come on, you did this last month," I said. "Give it back!"
   He began reading through the notebook and was snickering. "You think this is talent?! The lyrics to most of these songs are cheesy! And what are these dots with lines sticking out of them? What are these fractions? And these latin words? And random letters? What the hell is a soprano and a tenor and an alto? You're just a weirdo!"
    Then he tried to sing the lyrics, but his voice had no melody when doing it. It wasn't structured.
    "That's not how it's sung!" I complained. "Not at all! I'll have you know, those are music terms! A song isn't just lyrics! Give back my notebook, and I'll show you how it's done."
     "Not a chance," Draco stuck his tongue out at me. "Crab, Goyle, block her from chasing me."
      His buddies were blocking me from getting to Draco, who before my eyes, was ripping pages out of my book.
      "No!" I cried. "Stop! All my work is in there! I put my heart and soul into writing those!"
       "Aww? Really? Well, it would be a shame if I just . . ." He grabbed the pages from the floor and began running off with it.
       "Where are you taking my notebook?" I yelled. "Give it back!"
        I got past Crab and Goyle and went after him. I followed him all the way to . . . the boys' bathroom.
        "No!" I cried. "Don't do it!"
        Crab and Goyle got in front of me again before I could go in and stop Draco from destroying my notebook. I had to watch in horror as Draco dumped it into the toilet and flushed. Of course, the book itself was too big to be flushed, but the papers were being ruined by the water. I had a fear that the toilet would suck in the loose papers into the pipes.
         They laughed mockingly at me.
Suddenly, Crab then grabbed my backpack, and took out of it, my fashion design notebook and my drawing notebook.
    "No, not those too!" I cried. "You can't! That's unfair!"
    Draco came over and took them from Crab. And all I could do was watch in anger and despair as he did the same thing to the other two books. After the deed was done, Draco came back to me.
         "Like I said before," Draco said. "You have no talent. You're never gonna get anywhere in life. You're not famous for long. Everything you will ever do, will be pathetic. Come on, Crab, Goyle, let's go."
          They walked past me as I ran into the bathroom to recover my notebooks. They laughed at me and even took a picture of me reaching for all three of my notebooks in the toilet.
           I looked at the pages of each of the notebooks. The writing was all smudged and unreadable. It was all gone. I would have to write everything on another notebook from memory. But who was to say that they wouldn't ruin that one too? I looked at the designs of my fashion notebook. All the sketches were completely ruined. Now, each of them looked like they were part of some horror fashion show. I looked at my drawing notebook. My art was all ruined, the colors from the colored pencils, oil paints, regular paints, water colors, and crayons, all of it dripping into the toilet. I wanted to die now and never have to deal with him ever again. The suicidal switch had been activated.
      Tears streamed down my face. I took the soggy notebooks and stormed out of the bathroom. I ran past Harry, who asked, "Isabella, what's wrong?"
      I didn't respond. I just pushed past him. Nobody would ever believe my story, even if it had been caught on a body-cam. They could assume I had edited it. And his father would get him out of the punishment. He would never get justice served to him. For a moment, I wanted to make the Butterlfy Miraculous and akumatize myself and serve what was coming to Draco. But that meant I would get punished instead. I was ruined no matter what I did.
   I ran out onto the top of the astronomy tower. I didn't even put on a coat, hat, mittens, or earmuffs. It was freezing cold. The tears streaming down my face made it even worse. I knew I couldn't jump off the astronomy tower because my wings would sprout and save me. But I could freeze to death. It would be slow, but it would get the job done. I also knew a way to get it done quicker.
    I took out my sword from its sheath, and it glinted in the sunlight.
    I took one more look at my notebooks. Everything in them had been ruined. All that work and passion down the drain. I wanted to do this to myself. I was sure of it.
    Winter was supposed to be a cheery time, because of Christmas. Yet, at this moment, everything seemed dark and cold. I was all alone. It wasn't fair. But now, in just a moment, I wouldn't have to deal with Draco anymore because I would be dead. And I wasn't afraid of it. This was the only solution.
    That's when Harry ran up to me. "Isabella? What are you doing? What happened?"
     "Harry, leave me alone," I said. "There's nothing more for me. I don't have anyone who cares here. The work I poured my heart into is all gone. Draco destroyed all of it."
      "But, couldn't you copy it from memory into other notebooks?" Harry asked.
      "Who's to say he won't destroy those too?"
      "Why don't we tell Professor McGonagall?"
      "Who's to say she will believe me?"
      "Because you're wearing a body camera. You've got it all on footage."
      "Who's to say that they won't say that I edited it? Like I said, Harry, there's nothing here for me. I can't go on anymore."
       "What about your siblings? What about your friends, Percy, Annabeth, and Grover?"
        "My siblings are five universes away!" I snapped. "Even worse, Percy and Annabeth are six universes away, and on that universe, I don't even know where Grover is! There's no point!"
       Harry's eyes widened. "Isabella, stay here and don't do anything yet. I'm going to get Professor McGonagall."
       My ears didn't hear him, as he ran down the stairs again, trying to find help.
    I made a post-it-note with my powers, and a pen, and began to write my suicide note:

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