Chapter 8

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The 1st of March came. It wasn't as cold, but there were occasionally little sprinkles from the sky, the spring showers. Sometimes we would also get a nice breeze, but it was warmer. The greenery was coming back in beautifully with all the colors of the rainbow. The birds were always chirping.
As the date of the concert came closer, I started putting together the song list for the show, and it wasn't just songs I had wrote, but also9 covers. We were going to make the dining hall the venue, and we would just move the tables. In my free time, I was rehearsing for the show, and helping with the tech and lights. I was putting up posters around the school informing the school of the concert. I was excited. This was the second time I was performing for a big audience this year, and the first time I was doing it with preparation. I continued sending Percy and Annabeth postcards and letters updating them about everything.
Finally, the day of the concert arrived, the day I had been waiting for. I was let out early from class to start getting ready, and do a full dress rehearsal of the show. The dining hall was practically empty except for chairs being set up (although it was unlikely that the audience was gonna stay sitting for very long). After the dress rehearsal, I took off the finale outfit, and took a shower, washing my hair. I quickly blow dried it, and did my hair in a beautiful hairstyle. Then I did something I had never dared to do by myself. And that was put on makeup. In my shows, I had always had my makeup done for me, but now was the time to grow up and do it by myself. Learning from all the shows I had been in, stage lights tended to wash out your face. I couldn't let myself look like a ghost tonight (no offense to the ghosts that dwelled in Hogwarts).
It took several tries to get it right, but eventually, I succeeded in doing it right. I thought I looked nice.
Then I got dressed in my first outfit of the concert. I would be doing quick changes behind the scenes during build ups. My first outfit wasn't at all elegant. It was in fact, very casual. It was intended to be that way, for the build up to the third song. The first one was a gray open button up sweater, with a white tank top with pink butterflies and flowers on the corner, and pink pants, and flats.
I was using the microphone that Percy had gifted me for my birthday. This was the first time I would get to use it, which was amazing. Percy would be so happy. In fact, I had asked the Multiverse to bring them over on the night of the concert, and they'd get special front row seats. I told the Multiverse to bring them early before other people started arriving, so they could get their seats before the place started getting crowded. Harry, Ron and Hermione would also be getting front row seats. Soon, it was almost time. Nobody had started arriving to the dining hall yet. I was getting a little nervous. What if nobody showed up? That made me start to hyperventilate. But I had to keep it down, so I took a deep breath and avoided those thoughts. People would show up.
That's when I caught the sound of three voices coming into the hall. Voices I didn't like. Draco, Crab and Goyle.
"This will be humiliating for her," Crab said.
"I can't wait to see what she has planned when we totally sabotage her performance," Goyle snickered.
"This should be amusing," Draco said.
I peeked my eyes to see where they were planning on sitting. I saw that they were sitting in the seats I had reserved for my friends. I stormed out of my hiding place.
"Excuse me, but these seats are reserved," I said. "I heard that you were trying to sabotage my show. I will not tolerate that. I will not care if you try to humiliate me because your seats are in the back row. Plus, if you even try to sabotage the show, my friends are gonna stop you."
Draco scoffed. "Potter, Granger and Weasley? They can't do anything."
"Oh, I'm not talking about them," I said. "I'm talking about Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase. Yeah, two of the seats in the front row are reserved for them. Oh, look! There's one of them now!"
I heard Annabeth squealing from the dining hall doors. In just seconds, she had raced from the entrance of the dining hall to me, and was hugging me tight.
I laughed. "Hey Annabeth!"
"What are you wearing?" Annabeth asked. "These are nothing like the fabrics I gave you. I thought you were gonna where outfits you made out of the ones I sent you."
"I am," I said. "This is just the opening outfit. Once we get to a certain point in the show, I'll get quick changed into the one I made from the fabrics you sent me."
"Good!" Annabeth exclaimed. "Has Percy gotten here yet? It feels like I haven't seen him in forever!"
"No, he's not here yet, but look who's trying to take your seat and sabotage the show," I said, looking at Draco.
Annabeth turned and she began to growl. "Move out of the way! You're in the back row!"
Draco's eyes widened, and he and his buddies started running out of the dining hall.
Annabeth and I burst out laughing.
"Nice one, Annabeth!" I laughed.
"What's all the laughter about? You're gonna laugh without me? Fill me in on what you're laughing about!" A voice called from the dining hall entrance.
We looked up, and there was Percy, with his smug but lovable grin.
"Percy!" Annabeth and I exclaimed simultaneously. We ran over, and engulfed each other in a big group hug.
"What were you laughing about?" Percy asked.
"Annabeth started growling at Draco and his buddies, and they started running for their lives," I giggled.
Percy burst out laughing. "Now, that is funny!"
"I know, right!" Annabeth said. Then she sighed, "It's good to be reunited again."
"If only Grover were here," Percy sighed. "He would love this."
"I know," I said. "Come on, I saved you front row seats. Harry, Hermione and Ron should be joining you as well."

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