Hulk/Helluva and the agents/demons of Smash: bio-power(Helluva boss) Part 1

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Blitzo: Superhuman Durability/Superhuman Strength/Enhanced Leap

Information: Peak Human Strength(S1): The user can lift one's body weight twice or triple their own body weight, over-head 220 to 468 lbs., and bench-press 500 to 782 lbs. and perform any offensive action with the combined force of numerous bodybuilders. The user can lift and move small trees, motorcycles, overweight humans, and animals with ease and control. The user can perform any bodily strike or hand-held weapon with overwhelming force that could kill land-based or aquatic-based animals that humans have a low probability of defeating.

Enhanced Strength(S1): The user can lift thousands of pounds to tens of thousands and perform any offensive action with the force of a massive vehicle. The user can lift cars, trucks, buses, small-moderately sized boulders, tall trees, and a few times the weight of peak humans. The user can perform any biological strike or use objects with mighty power, such as destroying bridges, road vehicles, trees and killing massive creatures that require guns, small explosives, missiles, or chemical/biological/radiological weapons.

Supernatural Strength(S2): Supernatural strength comes in six primary levels.

Type I: The user can lift tens of thousands of pounds to hundreds of pounds and perform any offensive action with the force of destructive conventional explosives. The user can lift and move several construction vehicles such as bulldozers, backhoe loaders, motor graders, tanks, or several thousand-pound trucks. The user can perform any biological strike or use objects that can cause severe damage to tall buildings, neighborhoods, and house-sized asteroids.

Type II: The user can lift hundreds of thousands to tens of millions of pounds and perform any offensive action with the output of a low-yield nuclear bomb. The user can move and lift boats to various cruise ships, airplanes, battleships, or bridges similar to the Brooklyn Bridge. The user can perform any biological strike or use objects to cause massive damage to towns, small mountains, or dense metals.

Peak Human Durability(S1): The User has conditioned durability at the peak of human limits. Users can resist being jumped by multiple assailants, hit by a wooden bat, survive stab/bullet wounds, and even survive against superhumans. Users can survive explosions equivalent to grenades. They can fall from small buildings without breaking their bones. Users can endure pain over 35 decibels to 50.

Enhanced Durability(S1): The user's durability is beyond peak human limits, but not to high superhuman levels. Bullets ricochet from them, survive getting hit by most speeding vehicles, and small to moderate explosions (kilograms to tens of tons TNT equivalent). They can endure events that humans are less likely to survive but are not impossible.

Supernatural Durability(S2): The user's durability is superhuman, being in six main types.

Type l: Users can resist being hit by trucks, buses, trains, and speeds over subsonic speeds, endure temperatures that can burn most metals, or freeze liquids in minutes, moderate to massive explosions (tens to hundreds of tons TNT equivalent), getting shot by ammunition.

Type ll: Users can resist getting hit by objects moving at the speed of sound. Endure massive to atomic explosions (hundreds to kilotons TNT equivalent), getting shot by missiles, most temperatures not commonly created on Earth, and less destructive natural disasters.

Type lll: Users can resist being damaged by objects of supersonic speeds, atomic to hydrogen explosions worth of energy (kilotons to hundreds of megatons), endure natural disasters and created ones, and most dangerous forms of energy, tolerate armor penetration shots and survive asteroid impacts.

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