Hulk/Helluva and the Agents/Demons of Smash: Bio-power (Helluva boss) Part 2

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Octavia: Enhanced Stamina/Enhanced Intelligence/Magic

Information: Peak Human Stamina: Users can perform mildly strenuous activities/actions for around an hour without tiring.

Enhanced Stamina: Users can perform strenuous activities/actions for an hour to a full day without tiring.

Users with this power possess extreme levels of intellect, enabling them to memorize and calculate vast amounts of information with exceptional precision. They can handle and interpret information at a phenomenal speed, and use their mental capabilities to predict their enemies' movements and attack trajectories with pure logic alone. They can also apply their intellect to various fields of knowledge, such as science, engineering, medicine, art, and philosophy. They can invent new technologies, devise ingenious strategies, solve complex problems, and create masterpieces with ease. They can also learn new skills and languages in a matter of minutes, and master them in a matter of hours. Users with this power are essentially living supercomputers, capable of performing feats that would be impossible for ordinary humans.

Magic: Utilize supernatural forces to potentially achieve any effect one desires.

Users are able to utilize magic, the use of rituals, symbols, actions, gestures, languages, etc., to utilize mysterious and/or supernatural forces that don't abide by conventional science or laws of reality to achieve virtually any effect imaginable.

Magic Mastery: Master all their myriad forms of magic, to perceive and understand magic like no other.

Users have an ever-growing understanding of the workings of magic which soon allows them to extensively modify any spell available to them, drastically increasing their potency and efficiency, having their own arsenal of magical trump card, while intuiting effective countermeasures to most spells and entities they come in contact with.

Meta Magic: Transcend the rules of magic.

Users have magical powers which transcend the rules under which they operate, making them either the exceptions to those rules or beyond them all together and granting them total dominion over the cause and effects to the rules of magic by their source.

Sallie May: Superhuman Strength/Regenerative Healing Factor/Enhanced Parkour

Information: Peak Human Strength: The user can lift one's body weight twice or triple their own bodyweight, over-head 220 to 468 lbs., and bench-press 500 to 782 lbs. and perform any offensive action with the combined force of numerous bodybuilders. The user can lift and move small trees, motorcycles, overweight humans, and animals with ease and control. The user can perform any bodily strike or hand-held weapon with overwhelming force that could kill land-based or aquatic-based animals that humans have a low probability of defeating.

Enhanced Strength: The user can lift thousands of pounds to tens of thousands and perform any offensive action with the force of a massive vehicle. The user can lift cars, trucks, buses, small-moderately sized boulders, tall trees, and a few times the weight of peak humans. The user can perform any biological strike or use objects with mighty power, such as destroying bridges, road vehicles, trees and killing massive creatures that require guns, small explosives, missiles, or chemical/biological/radiological weapons.

Supernatural Strength: Supernatural strength comes in six primary levels.

Type I: The user can lift tens of thousands of pounds to hundreds of pounds and perform any offensive action with the force of destructive conventional explosives. The user can lift and move several construction vehicles such as bulldozers, backhoe loaders, motor graders, tanks, or several thousand-pound trucks. The user can perform any biological strike or use objects that can cause severe damage to tall buildings, neighborhoods, and house-sized asteroids.

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