Chapter 1

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(Andromeda POV)

I was laying down on my floor in my room. I suddenly thought of something. I hurried of my floor and got in to my chair. I put my blue headphones and joined my twin brother Jake's TeamSpeak.

"Yo bro."

"What's up." I could tell he was nervous because he doesn't like when I'm in his team Team Speak because his friends like to join at random times.

"OK so are your friends coming to Pax because, I know you do not want me to meet them."

"I'm not sure they are coming but I am going to try to talk them all out of it"

"I'm going no matter what"

"I know just if you see us just stay away from us and don't make eye contact with any of them and keep Olivia and Kate away from them."

"OK but if they come up to us I'm not going to be rude and walk away."

"Fine" he sighed

Jake and I kept talking about Pax for a little while."Hey I think I won't get a hotel. What about you?" Jake said

"I don't think i will get a hotel room."I said

I jumped as a voice said "Jake if you aren't staying in the hotel with us were are you going to be staying."

"Zach! How long have you been on the call" Jake basically screamed.

"Not to long" said this Zach person "Just long enough to tell that you were talking to a girl though." You could tell that he was smiling from were ever he was.

"Is she your girlfriend?"Zach asked

"Oh Hell to the Noo" Jake screamed

"Thanks for that" I said pulling out my sarcasm

Zach broke down laughing. His laugh was contagious like the flu but you wanted this not the flu. I start to giggle pretty close to my mic so I guess it was pretty loud." Who is this?"

"No one" Jake quickly

"Hey you must be Jake's girlfriend and your going to Pax from what I over heard."

"I am going to Pax but"

"Jake has a girlfriend, Jake has a girlfriend." This guy Zach screamed.

"Jake" I said "that makes it sound like we are dating. I'm going to say how I know you. OK?"

"Ok" Jake said kind of wary

"Hey Jake we came to meet your Girlfriend" said this voice cutting me off in what I was about to say you could hear a lot yeahs agreeing with this guy.


"Ummm hi I would like to start by saying I am definitely not Jake's girlfriend, my names Andromeda but most people call me Rom. Third off I'm Jake's sister so you guys need to stop fucking freaking out." With that I got so angry I exited TeamSpeak and took of my head phones and went to go get something to eat.

Sorry that was so short but it is the first chapter.

Meeting Them ( Cube Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें