Chapter 2

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(Jake's POV)

"What the hell guys. Now she is up set at me for having you guys as friends." I started to say more when Brayden cut me off.

"Sorry man... its just that we have never really seen your face so if you can get good looking girls to out with you than you must be pretty handsome."

"But Bro maybe you guys weren't listing but she and I both said that we were not dating."

"Yeah but you had just screamed that you weren't dating so we took that as you guys were dating" said Brayden

"Jake we didn't mean to."said Jordan

"Hey so if she is your sister can you set me up with a date with her or just get her to hook up with me"said Zach.

"WHAT THE HELL DUDE"I screamed through my mic.

"Just kidding man lighten up man"

Liam broke are conversation by saying "so who is all going to Pax". Turns out that Graser, H, Parker, Jordan, Will, Tbyzi and all the rest were coming except for NoBoom who had just joined the cube a month before so he was not set up to go to this.

After the boys and I got off TeamSpeak. I got on my phone and texted Andromeda.

Hey listen sorry about those freaks they really are just goof.

Its ok it just annoying me that people always assume we are a thing

Yeah oh and hey it sounds like the cube guys are going so just avoid them at all costs

Ok I will try but I will talk to them if we accidentally bump into each other

I eventually fall asleep while texting her.

(Graser's POV)

After Jake and his sister got off TeamSpeak. I was at a loss for words. Jake had a sister? Was she cute, and why was Jake being so protective of her? The other cube guys thought the same thing as me. We stayed up pretty late talking about what we thought of the whole thing. All of us were pretty embarrassed about the whole thing.

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