Chapter 3

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(Andromeda POV)

I woke up the next mourning to the ringing of my phone. I picked up my phone and saw that it was Jake. I decided not to answer it because I was still tired. My phone stopped ringing. Finally I thought. RING RING my phone starts to go off again. "Hello" my voice croaks from just having woken up.

 "Hey listen sorry for last night about the whole girlfriend thing and my friends. There just dweebs to tell you the truth." I start to laugh, and so does he.

"Hey I will try to shake it off if I meet them"

"hopefully then you will have the grudge forever"

"What are you worried about the worst they can do is eye rape and even that I will try to stop."

"Yeah I know your going to be alright its just your my little sister."

"By two minuets that's not that much so technically we are still twins."

 Jake and I look hardly anything alike he has blond hair, he's tall at least 6'2, he tans instead of burns, he looks athletic though he is really not. I on the other had have hair that's between strawberry blond and dark dirty blond. Trust me it is not that pretty it looks like the sand on the beach. Some looks like wet sand while other parts are like the dry stuff.  I am super short compared to him 5'4. I am the athlete I play softball, swim, basketball and I run. I'm in my switching period between senior to a freshman in college, so's Jake. The only thing that makes Jake and I really look alike is are eyes. we both have two different colored eyes. His one is green while the other is a really light blue. Mine have both colors in each eye its just that on the top is Brown and on the bottom is the same light blue as Jake's.

Jake and I both live in the same City but I live on one side in a house and on the other side Jake lives in an apartment. We are lucky enough that Pax is being held in the very same City we live in so we can sleep at home. 

"Talk to you later Bruh" I say because I know it annoys him.

He sighs than says "Yeah Talk I will to you later"

                                                                                    Time Skip    (two day later)                                                                

I am so excited for Pax and my brother said that he would talk to his friends about not coming so I don't have to worry. The only thing is that if they do come up to me I cant just be all like see you guys and then walk away. I will have to play it cool and think of some reason not to be there without it being to noticeably and have my brother see me.I check my phone to see if any body has texted me.

Hey you ready for today my friend Olivia said.

Whats today again?;)


oh that's right 

see you soon

see you soon too.

I was nervous for today because I have a small YouTube channel that has quite a few followers. The only problem is that tomorrow is the first official day of Pax but I haven't done a face revile yet. Olivia's and mine best friend Kate arrives today. 

I got up from my bed and went and took a warm shower. I let my hair air dry even though it will get super straight because of it. I put of a teal blue crop top with a little dinosaur on the front.  I put on high wasted white shorts and mint green converse. I braided to braid on either side of my head and pulled the up into a bun with the rest of my hair. I was so excited I almost forgot to put on my daisy flower crown that I got from Olivia for my birthday. I was all set and ready to go. I ran down the stairs to my car while grabbing keys on the way out.

I drove to my friends Olivia's house and picked her up. My two best friends are way prettier than me by any means of things. Olivia has dark brown hair the color of mahogany and intense green eyes. She has fair skin darker than mine but lighter than Kate's. Kate on the other hand has olive colored skin and oak colored hair. Her eyes are the color if the sky on sunny warm days. She had a voice that could make anybody love her.

~Time Skip to after they picked up Kate from the Airport~

Kate, Olivia and I all headed to the park on are long boards after we dropped Kate's bags off at my house. We all lay down in the grass and talk for a little while. Olivia came up with the idea to play truth and Dare. Fine Kate and I said.

"Kate truth or dare."


"is it true that you are going out with someone right now?"

"Nooo I did have a boyfriend but I broke up with him because he cheated on me with some random girl. Thing is I wasn't even up set." She was looking down at her feet when she said that.

"Olivia truth or dare."


"Is it true that you have a crush on Jake?"

Olivia mumbled something while her face was turning rose red. I looked at her waiting for the answer even though I already knew what it was. "ok so i have a small crush on him." she looked up at me waiting for me to start yelling at her. 

"Hey its ok you guys would be so good for each other." I grinned a her fro a second before looking away.

"Rom truth or Dare"


" I Dare you to walk to the center of the park and just burst out in to song"

"Any song in particular" I asked jokingly 

"Yes bright by Echo smith" I glare at her for a second and then walk of to the center of the park. The center of the Park had a big fountain in it so I stood at the edge. I look up the lyrics on my phone than start to sing.

~Skip to the end of the song~

I sang the last part. I looked over at my friends who were just smiling at me. I started to laugh I sounded so ridiculous with out the instrumental. Feeling like a total fool I stood up and started to walk. I felt someone grab my shoulder. "you sing really beautiful..."

Meeting Them ( Cube Fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon