Toil and Trouble ch 32

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"Toil and Trouble ch 32"
"The Quartermaine "
At Carly-Carly was upset that AJ was alive and Sonny was dead she didn't know what to do anymore when Bobbie came into the room."Carly, Whatever you're planning don't "I'm not planning anything, I'm just upset that Sonny died because of AJ Who is alive "I know it's a shock but maybe it's time to end this feud you and the Quartermaine have 'Maybe, I just don't know what to do anymore "

At ICE agents Jax and Alexis, we're talking to them."I will pay my taxes, Please let me stay here "Jax, Let me handle this" Alexis went to talk to them.

At The Quartermaine mansion-Monica Ned and Olivia, we're talking to Tracy. "So Mother What are you up to" I miss my family that's all" Really! Or did you run out of money "No! Ned can't you be happy that I'm home "Maybe "So Kristina is your daughter "Yes" How's ELQ" Michael has been running it" He better be good at it" You leave Michael and AJ alone, Let them run ELQ "I'm done with ELQ "Good" I have to say this plan was wonderful "Yes it was" Was Deporting Jax apart of the plan" No" I'm going to help him"

At Young AJ's room-Michael was there with Nellie and AJ," Nellie, This is our son" Michael let Nellie hold him."Thanks for forgiveness me" I did it because I know what it's like when parents fight and keep divorced and getting back together and I will not do that to my son "Thanks "Michael took young AJ."Father this is my son, Your grandson "Oh Michael I'm honored that you named him after me, He so cute he looks like you" Thanks, I'm glad you're here,"

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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