My Sweet King (133)

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"...Johnny?" Leah climbed onto the ambulance that was now parked on the beach, and hugged him. "Oh my god. Where did you find him?"

"We found him laying on the sand about half an hour ago, ma'am. He is somehow still alive and breathing."

"Oh my god. Johnny, I'm so sorry. Lily-Rose is on her way, don't worry."

Johnny was still unconscious, but at least he was breathing. Jack was there  as well and Sean was waiting outside on the sand. The sky was pitch black and it was way past everyone's bedtime. Malcolm stayed in doors with Dan and Jacob as he slept. 

Leah stopped hugging Johnny and squeezed his right hand instead. He seemed so pale and wet. He was almost unrecognisable from earlier. He clearly was very lucky to be alive after being in the water all day. When Leah would kiss Johnny's hand it tasted like salty water which wasn't very nice. The paramedics kept checking Johnny's heart and lungs and took notes. "...Are you going to take him away?" Leah asked half crying half confused.

"He seems to be doing ok. We just need to make sure he can breath on his own, if not, then we have no option but to call for an air ambulance to take him to mainland USA for treatment."

"You can't take dad!" Jack shouted. "Leah is pregnant! She needs her husband here."

"We know that, sir-"

"So don't you fucking dare take him! He is my dad and Jacobs dad... and my two sisters dad too! You can't take him away!" Jack started crying. "You can't take my daddy away..." Sean could hear everything from outside of the ambulance so he climbed inside and hugged Jack from behind.

"It's alright, son. Your dad is going to be ok." Sean told him while patting Jack's hair.

"I want my daddy!" He cried.


The night was long and only Jacob slept through it. Johnny was eventually moved from the ambulance into Johnny's small house. The paramedics transferred Johnny onto his bed and Leah chose to lay on the sofa for the rest of the night since her rest was very important too. The paramedics left and told everyone that they'd be back at 7am to check on Johnny again. As Leah laid on the sofa Jack laid with Jacob in his room. Malcolm, Dan and Sean all  paced the small house for the rest of the night even though Leah told them to go and sleep.

Since nobody slept well and were up half the night with Johnny, 7am rolled around quite quickly. The sun was only just rising over the blue watery horizon which nearly killed Johnny and that was when a couple of the paramedics from yesterday arrived to check on him. Johnny was still sleeping, but at least he was now breathing on his own again. The paramedics removed the breathing tubes from Johnny's nose and mouth and injected him with a lot of pain relieving medication. This automatically felt like a red flag for Leah since the last time Johnny had pain relief he got addicted to drugs. They injected Johnny in his left arm and then left him to wake up on his own. "He should wake up within the next 30 minutes."

"Good. He'll be ok, won't he?"

"Yes, ma'am. He should be fine."

"Thank god." Leah whispered, "Thank you so much." She cried. She hugged everyone and watched them leave, then she walked back to Johnny's bedside and held his hand again. "I love you."

Eventually Jack and Jacob woke up. Dan took Jacob out onto the beach so he wouldn't annoy anyone. "Keep me updated, Sean." He asked before leaving.

"I will."

Everyone was still sad and worried about Johnny. Jack ate a banana, but didn't do much else. He still blamed himself. Leah stayed totally by Johnny's side and Sean and Malcolm tried their best to help anyway they could.

"Do either of you need anything?" Sean asked. "I can go to the store and buy you guys something else to eat."

"No. I just want Johnny to get better. If you can buy some magical medicine to save his life that might help." Leah half joked. 

"Sorry... Jack?"

"No thanks. I think I might call Lily-Rose and ask where she is." Jack walked outside and called his sister. "Lily?"

"Hey, Jack."

"Are you on your way?"

"Yes, my flight got a little delayed... how's dad?"

"He is still asleep... It's all my damn fault, Lily, and when dad wakes up he'll know..." He cried.

"Oh, Jack. I'll be there soon. Give me a couple hours and I'll be with you guys."

"Thank you. See you soon."

"Bye." Jack hung up and walked back inside. "She is still on her way..."


Leah lifted Johnny's right hand to her lips and kissed his knuckles. "I love you, my sweet king. Please wake up for me, our babies and our newest baby."

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