Relaxing The Body ;)(136)

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By the time Leah and Lily-Rose got home, Johnny was pacing around the front of the house and the beach because he was worried about the girls. As soon as he heard women's voices he stopped and looked for them.

"Aw, girls. How was your walk?"

"It was nice." Leah replied. She seemed tired. She walked straight up to Johnny and hugged him. Clearly she was very very very tired.

"I'll leave you two alone now. Bye dad."

"Bye, Lils."

Lily-Rose walked away towards where Jack, Jacob and Dan were. Johnny helped Leah walk into the house and he closed the door behind them. At first they just sat on the sofa and hugged each other.

"How was the walk?"

"Fine." Leah said. Her voice was muffled into Johnny's shoulder. "I'm just glad to be home."

"I know. How is our daughter?"

"Fine, I think. I do want her to come out now though. I'm so tired and I just want this pregnancy to be done with!"

"I know. I think she'll be here soon."

"Is that why you wanted to give me a massage?"

"Yes. Well, to be honest, I only wanted you to come home so I could look after you in case you went into labour, but I suppose a massage might help with that."

"Have you even given a massage before, Johnny?"

"Erm..." Johnny rested his chin on Leah's shoulder while they hugged. "Not really. I mean, I've probably given them to girls before, but I don't really remember when or where. Have you ever had one?"

"Nope. I've never really dated a guy for long enough to get that close with them-"

"So you got close enough with your ex to get pregnant, but not close enough to get a massage from him?"

"No..." Leah said, laughing a little. "Well, Joey wasn't really a nice guy. He just wanted to sleep around. Unlike you who actually cares about peoples feelings."

"Exactly. Do you want your massage now or later when Jacob is in bed?"

"Now, but where is Jacob?" Leah pulled away from the hug and questioned Johnny.

"He is outside with Jack and Dan on the beach. He'll be fine for a while while we chill out in here."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive."

"Ok, let's go then."

Johnny asked Leah to take her dress off and sit with her back to him. Ideally, Leah would lay down on her  belly, but since she was pregnant that would be difficult. Johnny didn't have much, but he made do with what he had. He quickly checked his own and Leah's suitcase for oils or something he could use to sooth Leah's skin and relax her. He also checked the bathroom, but only managed to find some mint smelling shower foam and a tiny bottle of some natural essential oils that Lily-Rose gave Johnny for his birthday a few months ago. By the time Johnny walked back into the bedroom, Leah was sat on Johnny's side of the bed basically naked. She'd taken her dress off and her bra so her whole back was exposed. She was still wearing her socks, underpants and shorts (that she wore under her dress). Johnny's mind instantly went to a dirty place, but he knew that now wasn't a good time for that since Johnny was still recovering. Johnny walked over to Leah and showed her what he found.

"I've got a bottle of oil that Lily-Rose got me for my birthday and some minty foam from the bathroom."

"Johnny, I don't want you to waste the oils your daughter got you on me."

"I don't mind. She can always be me more for my next birthday, can't she?"

"Yeah, I guess..."

"Good, now turn around and let me rub stuff on you."

Leah was actually quite nervous now. She'd never been touched in this way before and she was concerned that the massage might hurt her.

Johnny washed his hands and poured some of the oil only his hands then rubbed them together. "Ok, so I'm going to start with your shoulder, alright?"


"Ok, relax your back for me..." Johnny said before placing the palms of his hands on each of her shoulders. He put some pressure on her back and squished her skin then rubbed along her shoulders to try and loosen up her bones. Once he focused on this part of her back he moved his hands to the middle part of her back and focused on her spine and the sides of her spine that might need some massaging since she was carrying so much baby weight in this area anyway. Part of Leah giggled at this part. "Do you like it?"

"Yes. It's ticklish." Leah giggled. So far she was really enjoying it. Johnny then moved onto the centre of her back and rubbed some oil onto his fist. He then asked Leah to lean forward a little so he could rub his knuckle into her back to relax her muscles. Leah didn't like this as much as she did earlier. "Ouch!"

"Sorry." Johnny quickly stopped and slid off the bed. "What's wrong?"

Leah turned around and used her own hand to rub her back a little. "That thing hurt!"

"Sorry, babe. I really didn't mean it to hurt. I'll stop massaging you now if you want."

"It's fine. Just don't push your knuckle into me again, ok?"

"Alright, I'm sorry."

Leah turned back around and mentioned something, "Can you do you skin squishy thing on my low back please?"

"On your lower back? Sure." Johnny poured more oil into the palm of his hand and rubbed her lower back. Instantly he could tell that Leah liked it. She started giggling again and she even said some interesting things as he did it.

"Hmm, that's good!"


"Like damn. It's ticklish, but in a satisfying way."

"Good. Does it make you feel... naughty?" Johnny teased.

"A little bit actually, but for right now I just like it. I think the pressure from the bump is making me feel even better than I would normally if you massaged me. Can we make this a frequent thing? Like every few weeks we massage each other?"

"Sure, babe."

To finish it all off, Johnny ended with giving Leah multiple tiny kisses all over her back. Leah especially liked this. Once Johnny was done he stopped and washed the oil off his hands in the bathroom sink. When he came back he noticed that Leah was laying in bed and she looked very relaxed there.

"So you liked my massage?"

"Yes." She seemed tired again now.

"Are you going to have a nap?"


"Alright, little one-"

"Just please don't go swimming and nearly drown like you did last time I napped, ok?"

"I promise I won't. I'll go and see the boys on the beach for a while , ok?"

"Ok, wake me up in an hour."

"I will. Bye, darling."

"Bye, Johnny bear."

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