Chapter 6

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Maxon's POV
The door closes behind us. Daphne leads me to a chair and pushes my shoulder down. This was America's room during the selection. My mind goes numb with pain and longing. I'm no longer aware of my surroundings.
"Here let me help you forget," Daphne whispers in my ear.

America's POV
Javier stalks towards me warming up the whip.
"You know what princess, I'm gonna miss you," Javier says. "Maybe I can get her to give you to me instead of killing you. My very own toy." 

He brings the whip down. I cry out in pain, it's even worse then last time.
"I don't think this works very well through your clothes. If I'm anything it's efficient."
He kneels down beside me and starts unbottoning my dress. My hands are chained to the wall with my back facing him. He kisses my neck. I involuntarily cringe. His smirk grows wider. He slides the ragged dress off my shoulders. I don't even hear the whip come down this time. I only feel the scalding hot pain on my back. A single tear slips out of my left eye. I bite my lip, I need to distract myself. 

I think of May. I think of her laughing at everything and bring so excited and optimistic. I remember how when she was little she would run to my bed in the middle of the night during a thunder storm. I remember how she drools at the sight of any form of sugar. How we danced in the rain back in Carolina. 

I wake up in the corner of a cold dirty floor. I guess I fell in conscious. I have no sense of time or direction. I see a window streaming light into the dark room. I walk over to the window to see if I can pry it open. I take my shackles, wrap them around the bar and yank on it as hard as I can.
The bars slip out of the frame with a loud screech. I hear yelling ad footsteps.

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