Kabanata 34

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This could be a trick. How could Abby chose this? Just how?

But my carnal needs didn't care about common sense anymore. Because I found myself stepping closer to Abby, felt my fingers dragging through her hair as I cupped the back of her head, brought her face up, and crashed my lips to hers.

Electricity ran down my limbs and my cock absorbed all the blood from my head.

"Kiss me. Find the answer on my lips and taste the truth from them."

Her words echoed in my brain, tingling every nerve cell that should be telling me to stop this. But I couldn't. My heart was against it.

So I just let myself get lost in the feel of Abby's soft lips and tasted the answer her mouth had promised.

Our tongues battled, our lips ground and slid against each other. Our breaths mingled and I felt like I was under water and air was nowhere out of reach.

I was drowning in her touch, her taste, her smell, the sound of her moaning as I deepened the kiss, pressed harder and dug my tongue further into her mouth.

Placing my hands on her shoulders, I slammed her to the wall. The impact toppled some knick-knacks from her shelves. Air whooshed out of her but I consumed the wheeze from her throat and turned it into a groan of pleasure.

A knock on the door broke our bubble in an instant.

"Ummm... Guys, we-uh, we can hear you guys. Maybe you can do that later after dinner?" Torin said on the other side.

Abby and I looked at each other, and laughed.

"We'll be there in a minute," she called out before peeling herself off the wall.

I moved aside and let her go.

"This is something you can't just take back easily, Abby. You sure about this?" I asked her, giving her another opening to run. "Some people choose to be blind to it. Some accept. Some just go along with it. There would be days when I come home bathed in blood, and there would be nights when I'm not beside you in bed because I'm out executing a person of interest. You think you can handle that?"

Abby sighed. She reached out to grab my hand.

I entangled my fingers alongside hers.

"Maybe it all comes down to what you can live with," Abby said, staring up at me, her eyes filled with so much emotion I almost couldn't look away. "And I'll try to live with the darkness with you. If you'll have me."

I bent down and pecked her pouty lips. "Of course I'll have you. I swear I wouldn't ruin you for anyone else. I'll keep you safe despite the danger."

"You promise?"

"I swear it to the gods above. To Death. To War. To Love. You'll have me in the chaos, for as long as you'll have me."

I knew my presence would only cast a dark cloud over Abby's family dinner, a constant reminder of the dangerous world she'd just invited into hers. But I'd do my damn hardest to leave the shadows I always carried with me.

Later that night, when we were sitting around the dinner table, a surreal feeling washed over me.

For once, I could pretend that I was a regular person. Chatting. Bantering. Laughing with Abby's family at dinner. It was so mundane yet I couldn't help but appreciate the normalcy.

Abby's older sister and her fiancé couldn't keep their hard gazes away from me throughout dinner, though. It was distracting. But I couldn't blame them to be wary. Aside from Abby and Torin, Tara and Landon were the original ones who knew what kind of a person I was.

Maybe I should apologize to Tara and be done with it. That could make her stop glaring at me every damn time I exchanged a conversation with her parents.

I knew the couple with be a headache in the long run, and my decision to be with Abby might be a fatal move since she was connected to two individuals working in the force. But I wasn't there to kiss their asses. I was there for Abby. They could breath down my neck any time they wanted but they weren't getting rid of me. I was like a disease on their skin, and I was not planning on leaving anytime soon.

After the night's affair and once everyone had gone to sleep, I made love to Abby in her childhood bed. In silence, I explored her depths and embraced the warmth her body could bring. I fucked her gently, slowly, fast then hard. I'd kiss her during her orgasms and fucked her more until sunlight filtered through her curtains and morning broke the dawn.

"Move in with me. To the mansion," I demanded more than asking her. It was seven o'clock in the morning and we were both exhausted. Dried sweat and cum clung to our skin. The smell of the room also reeked of sex I bet Abby needed to wash the curtains and bed sheets later on to get rid off the traces of our wild night.

"Hexon will disagree," Abby said.

"He's not the boss."

"Are you sure you want me to live with you, though? I can be annoying."


"I can also be needy."

"That's the perk."



"Today," I replied. "Pack your things before lunch and I have your room ready at the mansion."

"You're actually serious." She looked at me. Eyes soft. Lips parted slightly. "Okay. Alright. I'll move in." Abby was quiet for a moment, her fingertips drawing little circles on my chest as she laid her head on my stomach. "Veric?"


"I love you."

The corners of my lips turned up. "Likewise, cara mia."

Abby moved like a panther and straddled me all of a sudden. "What does that mean?" Her sleepy eyes looked down on me. "You've called me that before."

"I love you, too, my darling," I translated for her.

Her eyes shone brighter and I wanted to devour the smile that curled her lips. With a swift movement of her hips, she had her pussy descending down on my half-hard cock. She was so wet and full of come that going inside her was like slicing through butter.

"Fuck me," she said softly. "Fuck me, cara mio."

And just like that, I bent to her will.

Nothing Sinful

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