Party time! -3

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It's half 6, and I've just dropped theo off at my mum's. Let's say he wasn't the happiest of boys.

"Theo, you're going to your grandmas tonight as mummy has to go out," I said, pleading with him.
"No, no, no, no," He said, throwing his toy at me.

By this point, I was so so done with him but can't be shouting at kids now can we.

"Theo, Benji will be there and tomorrow we can go to the park and get ice-cream, How does that sound?" I hoped this worked as Benji is his favourite dog in the entire world.

"YESSSS" he screeched, clearly not caring if he deafens me in the process.

I had finished getting ready and by this point I already knew I was going to be late. It was 7:50 and it takes me 20 mins to get there.

As I'm about to walk out the door, Beth rings me. Oh no.

"Y/n, where are you, don't say your going to be late again" She laughs down the phone.

"Sadly I am going to be but I'll be there soon meado, save some alcohol for me".

"Ofc I will, I know you love a drink,see you soon" She chuckles and hangs up. Its gonna be such a relaxing night, I hope.

I arrive at Beth's house. 8:05 not as late as I thought. I knock on the door expecting to be faced with an over excited Beth but instead im faced with those ocean eyes. The ones I used to get lost in and still do. Leah.

"You know if you take a picture, it'll last longer" I smirk while looking at her.

"Could say the same for u" She winks and stands to the side, letting me in. God she still knows how to make me blush. Wait no no. This can't happen. She left you with no explanation. I could have a little fun tho.

I walk into the main area and is immediately greeted by a shot in the face with Beth.

"Said I'd keep you some" I laugh while knocking the shot back. Strong but very much needed.

Couple hours later:
After the endless amount of shots. The girls suggest to play the iconic game of truth or dare. I sit in between Katie and Beth and Leah is infront of me in-between Jordan and lia.

"So Y/n truth or dare" Beth says nudging me.

"Truth" Always found it easier to be safe in these games.

"What's your biggest secret" Beth says.

Shit shit shit. I gulped and quickly looked up at Leah. I need to think of something quick. And I mean quick.

"Cmonnn y/n, we don't have all nighttt" Katie whined.
"Alright, alright, I've had an eighsome and didn't manage to orgasm once" quick but true.

"PAHAHA ur joking y/n pls say ur joking. Not once, jeez u must be dominant or they were shit" Lia laughs.

The rest of the group laughs and I feel at ease. Thank god. I look up and make eye contact with Leah. She doesn't seem convinced but not to worry.

The game carries on with lia and caitlin snogging aswell as viv and Beth. Leah swerving Jordan, god how embarrassing. Then my turn comes again.

"Right dare"
"Ooooo first time she's ever picked dare this one."
"Oh shut up Beth" I say shoving her. Clearly the drinks not helping my strength as she barely moves.

" Hmmmm I dare you to snog the fittest person in the room" Beth says. Shit. Either Leah or Jordan. Go with the truth or the lie. I go with the truth of course, I did say I would have fun.

I walk up to Leah and cup her cheek and pull her in. The kiss is strong and passionate, our tongues meshing together. Like the perfect fit for a jigsaw puzzle. After what seems like ages, I pull away and look in her eyes. She blushes, god I thought I'd moved on.

"Oooooo I think Y/n has a crush"
"Yeah yeah alright Katie, time to go ill drop you off". Leah immediately gets up.

"Can you drop me off, you live nearby and I dont wanna go with Jordan" I nod.

"Bye everyone Its been lovely. Love u all". We all wave and get into the car.

I have just dropped Katie off and its just me and Leah. The tension is building and I know she can feel it to.

The next chapter is smut only so heads up. I wanted it to be a cut off so I can focus on it then the aftermath and work it from there.

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