Trial and error

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It's a bit dark now, I pull up to the parking spot and see logans still sleeping.

I don't want to piss him off so I open the door very quietly and lifted him out shutting the door with my foot.

Logan is like 6 foot, I'm 5 foot *COUGH COUGH* six but he's light and skinny, where I'm strong and thick, so other than balance issues it's fine.

I walk past the elevator and go up the one flight of stairs. Logan would Definitely wake up to the elevator, learned that from trial and error.

I fumble around and unlocked the apartment door then locked it after we entered,I carried Logan to the bedroom.

Placing him on the bed I take off his shoes,jeans and race car jacket but leaving his t shirt on, I grab a pair of pajama pants and put them on, you would think  he would wake by now.

I go to leave the room not before leaving a lamp on incase he wakes up.

It's 9 pm, between the meeting ending late,traffic and calming Logey...Logan I mean, it took 3 hours to get home.

I had a nap in the car, you have to learn to manage your sleep differently when you live and care for someone like Logan.

I call his manager Tom.
He answers

"Yo so what happened?"  I ask
"He had a tantr..." I cut him off
"Right...he had a meltdown."
"Yeah no shit but did something in particular happen?"

"He got told he has to make an album in the next 2 years for the contract."

"That ain't why, he loves making music he wouldn't Meltdown over that."

"Yeah let me finish." Tom said in a gruff voice

I laugh

"Fucking talk then."

"He said fine, but he slammed a hand down and shouted it, and the label told him to be respectful, and don't be rude."

"And he flipped a lid did he?"

"Went nuts, screamed 'stop shouting, stop shouting' , then lost it when I put my arm on him, he screamed" no I'm staying here you can't pull me out" and slapped my arm." He says in a neutral voice

"He interprets things differently when he's upset, so what's the deal now? Are the record people pissed orrrr?" Not knowing if I want the answer or not.

"They said it's ok, they know he's autistic so they just went quiet when he lost it, they emailed sending condolences or some shit."

"OK cool so we have nothing to worry about?"


"Well I'm going to go now, I can hear logan waking up."

"Alright bye."

"Aight." I hang up the phone.

I take my pack of smokes and go stand on the balcony.

1 smoke, 2 smokes, 3 smokes and 30 later hear a shuffle behind me, I turn around to see logan holding a little blanket smirking.

"Did I fuck up?" He asks
"Big time." I say trying to keep a straight face
"Liar! You raise your eyebrows when you're mad!" He informs me.

"Oh do I now." I smile as I pull him into me

"Yeah then you say mad things."

"OK." I smile not wanting to hear him elaborate as he skews things sometimes

"Did you talk to Mr Tom?"
"I did, he said you were upset when the told you not be rude or some shit?"

"They all shouted at me! The said it so loud." He pokes his ears.

"I know, now it's ok they said it's fine." I assure him.

He steals a cigarette from my pocket and lits it with a lighter stolen from my other pocket.

"What's with the blanket?" Unable to hide my amusement

"What blanket?" He spins around

I pull the blanket from under his arm and he gives me a confused look.

"Oh, didn't know I had that." He says taking it back

"Tiny." He gestures using his thumb and pointer finger.


We finish our smokes then I sit him on the couch.

"What you want Logey?"
"Bread." He repeats with a normal pronunciation

"Like...toasted or just Bread?"
" you want a sandwich? "
"No, Bread."

"Logan come on use your words good man."
"Want Bread, just bread."
"Oh....ok." I say putting 2 slices of bread on a plate.

I feel so bad whenever he asks for shit food, like we have a tub of fucking caviar in the fridge that he fucking eats like peanut butter and he wants bread.

I bring it over to him placing it on a pillow on his lap, he happily eats away at it swinging his feet.

"hows your bread." I crouch next to him

"can we go pool tomorrow?" out of the blue
"if you want to we can."


He finishes his.... Meal.. then puts his plate on the floor and scuttles back to bed.

"shit head." i mutter cleaning up his mess

"logey?" I step into the bedroom and he's laying in bed.

"you feeling better now?"
"all better now, night."
"night." I lay in beside him using his arm as a head rest

Bathing this fucker tomorrow I say to myself as I spot a mark on his neck from the 30 seconds we were in the park today.

I wait untill I hear little snores then I settle down to sleep myself.

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