That pacifier will be the death of me and I know it.

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We arrive home, both boys already awake before I even got to the gate.

"This is our house Samuel, see that room there with the balcony? That's yours bud." I point to a large double door balcony whilst logan sprints into the house tripping over his own long ass legs.

"I have to do witdar....wititidar." Logan tries to run down to his instrument music room thingy.

"Logan, your guitar can wait, we have to show Sammy around." I grab the hood of logans sweater making him fall into me.

"Don't want...." he whines quietly before I give his ass a small kick
Logan stares awkwardly at Sammy for a few seconds then completely avoids eye contact with anyone all together, biting his few fingernails.

"Sammy let's go up stairs so we can show you your bedroom." I grab Sammy's bag with logan following close behind.

I can feel logan holding the back of my shirt as we walk to the stairs, then I turn around moving him ahead of me as we start going up them to prevent any broken legs, logans had problems with these stairs, they have large gaps in between them that fall straight through, the stairs go up quite high as well so even I get discombobulated going up them to be fair.

Logan needs to look down when he walks, so it's a bit of an optical illusion with the stairs.

I didn't think about Sammy, who is halfway up the stairs and funnily enough puts one foot in between the steps making him trip and fall back dramatically, he let's out a loud yelp     as I try to rush past an anxious Logan who quickly grabs his son from under the armpit and lifts him up so he's standing on the step properly.

"Jesus fucking christ Sammy, you'll give me a heart attack." Logan pants as he gets his own bearings

"Those years of me escorting you to football practice paid off hah?" I squeeze logans side as we enter Sammy's room.

"If you would call it football practice." Logan turns around smirking at me but I laugh and shove him a little too hard making him go quiet.

"Bed, bathroom, balcony." Logan points to all the facilities in the bedroom and tries to quickly make his escape but I grab his hand making him do a twirl back to Sammy's bedroom.

"Mnhee?" Sammy mumbles
"What's that, lil man?" I lean in to hear what he said
"TV?" He repeats more anxiously as he rocks on his heels

I kinda look at Logan to see what he says, this isn't my kid so I can't really be in charge.

"Here." Logan escorts him to an office we converted into an upstairs living room, logan sits him on the couch and turns on Netflix for him.

"Sammy." Logan calls as he sets it up for him, he gets no answer.

"Hey, Sam." He calls him again but with a little clap of his hands making Sammy look up.

"English or Russian?" Logan asks while he flicks through the settings.

"Uhmm." Sammy responds freakishly like his dad

"Which one are you better with speaking? Logan questions again, kind of in a stern way, like he's pissed off

"Logan, you're gonna give the kid a heart attack." I say as I shove logan out of my way who playfully shoves me back, I go to start the shoving game which usually turns into sex but I forgot we are parents now so I turn my attention back to Sammy.

"Sammy, which are you better at, which can you speak better in? English or Russian?" Logan repeats much calmer

"Russian." Sammy stammers out.

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