Ch. 23

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I am so sorry. I had delete the first one and start over

Cause I messed up on some stuff

( Cameron's POV)

5 years ago, I married Lauren..

Now here I am watching her and my 3 kids goof around

My little boy Caleb who is now 5 years old. he is such a trouble maker just like how I am.

But he's also a mamas boy for sure just like I am with my mom

Then I have my little girl who was also 5, Adeline

Then we have our other baby boy, Mason. He just turned 2.

He doesn't speak that much. He likes to yell though which makes Lauren giggle a lot.

I look at Lauren and she walks up to me.

"Everyone is gonna be over soon. " She said and kissed my cheek

I kissed her forehead and said "I know, I got the grill ready. "

(Lauren's POV)
I went to finish up cooking and the door bell rang

"Mama can I answer it.?" Caleb asked me with a smile

"Sure sweetie!" I said and went on with cooking

"HEY BUDDY! " I heard someone screamed and I hear Caleb start to laugh hard.

I knew exactly who it was. I went to the living room and saw Nash playing air plane with him. Adeline just sat there and laughed at them

The rest of everyone came in, I was so happy to see everyone

"Hey how's my baby boy?" Cam ask Mason. He started walking to Cam while he made funny faces

He started laughing and said "daddy. "

"OH MY GOSH!! " I yelled in excitement and looked at Cam. He looked at Mason in happiness

"HE SAID DADDY!! " I yelled again and again. All the boys just circled around Mason and tried to get him to say more.
I love these moments with my favorite people.

(Cameron's POV)
"DINNER IS SERVED! " I yelled to everyone

We all sat outside and ate. I grabbed a beer and so did the others Lauren just sat there and played with Adeline on her lap

"Babe want something.? " I asked her. I was confused why she was just sitting there, but I didn't want to intrude too much.

"No no..I'm uhm fine. " She said nervously. I just looked at her oddly. Then, she smiled widely and I was just confused why she was being like this.

"We are having another baby.. " She finally spoke up and everyone just looked at me. I started choking on my food. Everyone congratulated us and I was extremely happy.

*Later that night. *

(Lauren's POV)
" Mommy can I stay with uncle Nash and Auntie Lilly?" Caleb asked me

"Sure why not. Let me talk to daddy. " I said and sat him on the couch.

"Caleb wants to go to Nash's for the night. " I told Cameron from the kitchen

He was talking to the guys still. He looked at me and smiled.

"Sure, where is Adeline?" He asked me and looked around.

"She's laying in our room. Mason is in his crib sound asleep. I'm getting tired. I love you." I said as I gave him a kiss

I gave everyone a hug and looked at everyone..

"Family forever.. " I said loudly. The girls looked at me and smiled The guys all grouped Hugged me and I was trying so hard not to cry. I let go and went to Caleb.

"I'll see you in the morning sweetie. Mommy loves you very much. " I said and he kissed my cheek

(Cameron's POV)
I went upstairs after everyone left. I changed out of my clothes and into my boxers. I looked at Lauren and Adeline as they were sleeping

They looked so precious, but I decided to put Adeline in her bed and gave her a kiss goodnight.

"Daddy loves you." I said and left the door opened

I checked on Mason one last time and cracked his door open, so that I could hear him incase he woke up. Then, I went back to our room and got in bed

Lauren opened her eyes and looked at me

"Lauren, is this the last and final child? " I sighed, but she knew I was joking around.

"Yeah I think so. Our life is just wow.. I can't we've done this all so far" She said to me. She went to go kiss but, I stopped and looked at her.

"I love you Lauren Dallas.. And I will never stop loving you. " I said softly

"Cameron.. You have always been changing me since my parents and I love you so much more."

The End...
OMG i am sad to say but "Changing Me" is over

This book has been amazing and I want to thank you guys so much

I love you guys and I hope you read the rest of my books.

Thank you for being on this journey through this book

Until next time ..
Byee -A

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