Ch. 18

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*3 Months Later*

(Lauren's POV)

Last three months have been crazy.

Maggie and Carter broke up.

Everyone found out about Cameron and I.

Nash is upset cause he thinks I'm gonna get hurt.

I found out more about the guys fandom.

I was sorta shocked but I'm used to it now.

Right now I'm laying with a sleeping Skylynn on me.

Some of the guys are here. It's Nash and Cam's last day.

Well all of theirs. Their are leaving for Los Angeles.

Cam wants me to come with but I started soccer again and I need to finish school.

Once and awhile Hayes and I will go out there.

But for now. I just need to stay here.

"Want me to take her for you? " I heard someone said

I opened my eyes and saw Cameron standing there

I smiled at him and shook my head.

"No thanks. I'm comfy with her here. " I said

He laughed and sat by us. I smiled at him.

I heard a bunch of laughter. I saw the boys come in.

I shhed them to be quiet. I took her upstairs

I laid Sky in her bed. She opened her eyes.

"Can you give me my pony pleaseee" She said quietly

I laughed and grabbed it. I gave it to her and then she fell right asleep.

I kissed her forehead and went back downstairs.

The guys were all messing around. Matt and Carter had white stuff all over them

The rest of them were dying of laughter. I just stood there smiling

Cam noticed me. He stopped and just looked at me.

He came over and hugged me.

"I'm gonna worry about you.. " He said and frowned at me

Gosh I was gonna miss him alot though. Even though we haven't been together long.

He was always here for me.

I frowned at him

"I'll be Fine.. " I whispered to him


OMG I'm starting to update again!!!

I hope you guys are happy.

Well this past month was horrible

I was in the hospital then I couldn't go to school for over a week

Then my eye was swollen shut

Plus I've been so stressed out alot.

I hope you guys understand.

I'll update again soon. I promise.

I love you guys byee - A

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