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"What do you want to do today?" I ask my best friend, my feet resting in his lap as I lazily laid on the couch.

"I don't know," Scott sighed. "Do you want to watch a movie?"

"Sure," I say, sitting up. "What 'cha got?"

Scott shrugs, standing to look at his DVD's. "The usual."

My eyes light up. "Can we watch Grease?"

Scott looks at me, rolling his eyes. "Duh," he says.

I laugh at him, laying back in his bed as he pops in the movie. Grease was my all time favorite movie, as well as Scott's. In fact, the first time we watched it was together years ago, back when we were still taking baths together.

Just as Scott pressed play, there is a small knock on his door. "Hey, bro," Chris says, showing up in his doorway. He flashes me a smile, "And bro-dette."

"Hey," I say, smiling at the nickname.

"What're you guys watching?" he asks, strolling into the room.

"Grease," I reply with a giddy smile.

Chris groans, rolling his eyes. "Again?"

"Yep," Scott says. "Now are you going to watch it with us or not?"

Chris sighs, shuffling over to the bed. He hops on, sandwiching me between him and Scott.

The movie starts as we all get settled. Scott sits on one edge, his arm under my head to get comfortable. I sit in the middle, with Chris on the other end, his arm draped across my back. I shiver as soon as he places it there.

He looks over at me. "Are you cold?"

I shake my head. "No, I'm fine." Jesus, Char, why do you have to be so awkward! I internally scream at myself.

Chris gives my a lopsided grin. "Aw, c'mon. You're shivering."

He casually throws his other arm around my waist, scooting closer to me. "There," he says in my ear, his breath blowing my hair. "Feel warmer?"

When I don't respond, he peers over my shoulder to look at my face. "Your cheeks are red," he notes. "You must be warmer."

This only makes me blush more furiously, and all the while I'm cursing myself for being so awkward around him. This shouldn't be so awkward. Chris and I are very close. He should be like a brother to me. Key word, should.

"It is pretty cold in here," Scott observes, wrapping his free arm around my waist as well. "Mind if I share some body heat?"

I laugh nervously, suddenly feeling overwhelmed. "Well," I say. "I'm starting to feel pretty steamy."

I didn't mind Scott's arms, because he did feel like a brother to me. That, and the fact that he was gay. But Chris was definitely straight, and he made my nerves bounce up and down.

The movie progressed, and when the song Summer Loving came on, Chris mindlessly tapped the rhythm of it on my stomach. Butterflies flew around inside of me.

I didn't realize it, but I started to wiggle in his arms, my face as red as a tomato. Chris looks down at me, a smirk on his face.

"Am I making you uncomfortable?" he asks, my heart doing cartwheels.

"Very," I say, looking back up at him.

He took this as a joke, not realizing just how uncomfortable he was making me feel.

Half way through the movie, Scott paused the video, claiming that he needed to use the bathroom. I took this as and opportunity to sit up and stretch.

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