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"Scott," I say. "I love him."

Scott rolled his eyes, shoving some popcorn into his mouth. "Yeah, okay. I mean, I love him too but-"

"No, Scott," I say, lunging forward and grabbing his wrists. "I'm in love with him. As in love love him. I really am."

I look deep into Scott's eyes as I say this, hoping that he realizes how much I mean it. And he seems to understand, for the sarcasm in his face is gone.

"If you're happy, then I'm happy," he finally says with a small smile.

I exhale, letting go of his arms and rocking back on my heels in content. "I am happy."

"Great!" Scott says, and then leans forward with a curious light in his eyes. "Now tell me the gossip."

I shrug. "There's really nothing to tell."

"Have you guys done it yet?" Scott asks.

I blush. "That's none of your business. But no, I remain a virgin and plan to until I know I'm really sure, and Chris respects that."

Scott frowns for a moment in disappointment, but then his eyes light up again. "But you're sure now, aren't you?"

I bite my lip. "Scott," I say. "My sex life has nothing to do with you."

Scott sighs. "Fine. Then which movie do you want to watch?"

I hop off of my bed and cross the room to my movie collection. As I scan through what I had, Scott talked aloud, voicing his thoughts.

"You know he's leaving Monday," he says on my bed behind me, and I can hear him munching on the popcorn.

"Yeah," I reply, frowning as I remembered. "I'm going to miss him."

"You know, we can go and visit him on set. Chris and I were talking the other day..." Scott goes on and on.

But I don't really pay attention, because as he spoke my eyes landed on a movie. Liar, Liar. I bite my lip, suddenly remembering what Parker told me.

Maybe I couldn't ask Chris, or wouldn't for now. But Scott has to know about this, he's Chris' brother! I forget the movies, walking back over to my bed.

"Scott," I say. "What's the dirt between Parker and Chris?"

Scott shrugs, absentmindedly starting to flip through one of my photo albums. "Ah, some girl and something about freshmen. I honestly forgot all about it, but I know Chris still hates him for it and Parker-man, he's a wreck-"

"What happened?" I ask exasperated, wanting him to get to the point.

Scott sighs, looking up from the album. "Okay, first of all, this happened like a year ago. Second of all, how do you even know about this?"

I shrug, playing with the edge of my blanket. "Parker mentioned it but didn't tell me, saying Chris wouldn't want me to know."

"Well, whatever Parker told you wasn't true," Scott says. "That guy can really hold a grudge and make something that wasn't really a big deal something huge."

"Scott," I say, annoyed. "What happened?"

"Nothing really," Scott continues, becoming distracted again by a picture of us when we were little. "Char, look at this one! Your fifth birthday and you went to blow out the candles and your hair caught on fire-"

"Dammit, Scott!" I finally scream. "What happened between Chris and Parker?!"

"Geez, okay," Scott says, raising his hands in surrender with wide eyes. "It all happened last year when Parker started going out with this freshman. Before this, Parker and Chris were best friends. Have been since high school."

I open my mouth to say something, but my phone starts to ring. I look down and see Chris' smiling face, reading the caller id.

"One second," I tell Scott. "I want to hear the end of this."

I click the green button, lifting the phone to my ear while sending Scott a 'this isn't over' glance. "Hello?"

"Hey," Chris answers. "I just got my test grades back."

"Really?" I say, sitting up. "How'd you do?"

"Not too good," Chris replies with a sigh. "I hate to ruin your night with Scott, but do you mind if I drop by to study?"

I roll my eyes. "Study? Is that the code nowadays? Look, if you come over to study, we're going to study. This isn't going to end up in one big make out session."

"What?" Chris says in mock hurt. "I am offended that you would even think-"

"Whatever," I interrupt. "Now get over here before I change my mind."

I hang up, not realizing that there was a smile on my face until after we ended the call. I shake my head, riding my thoughts and grin before turning back to Scott.

"Chris is coming over to study," I say.

"No!" Scott cries. "We never hang out anymore! Ever since you and Chris started dating, you've only made time for each other!"

"Scott, I'm sorry," I say, resting a hand on his shoulder. "I promise, once Chris leaves, we'll be together all of the time! And plus, Chris just flunked a huge test and if he's going to leave for filming he needs to make sure his grades are sufficient."

Scott rolls his eyes, sighing in defeat. "Fine. But don't you want to know the end of the story?"

It takes me a moment to realize that he was talking about Chris and Parker, and I light up since I forgot all about that. "Yeah-"

I get interrupted but the sound of my dorm door opening, a small knock sounding. "Knock, knock," Chris says from the front room.

"In here," I call back, disappointed.

Chris appears in the door way wearing sweatpants and a crooked smile. My heart does a backflip. It takes me a moment to greet him, just taking a minute to drink in his presence.

"Hey," he says, his eyes glued to mine as if he didn't even notice Scott in the room. He probably didn't.

"Hi," I reply with a lovesick smile, staring back at him.

Scott loudly clears his throat and I am forced to tear my eyes away from Chris, turning to raise an eyebrow at Scott.

"I'll just be leaving then," he says awkwardly, having earned dirty looks from both Chris and I.

He gets up and walks towards the door where Chris stood, patting his brother on the chest while saying, "but guys, seriously. I don't want to be on a reality TV show about a pregnant teenager."

I roll my eyes while blushing and Chris shoves him out of the door. "Ha ha, very funny," he says to Scott.

I laugh, watching Chris cross the room to where I sat on the bed. He drops the books he held in one arm next to me, leaning down to give me a slow, passionate kiss.

"Hi," he says again with a grin.

"Hi," I reply, smiling as well.

He leans in to kiss me again, but I teasingly back away. "Now, now, mister," I say, wanting to laugh as he pouts. "Lets hit the books."



Ah, Scott. What a wonderful creature; I have no clue who he is, but just write about him from time to time.


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