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Chris' driveway is the place I grew up. Before school, I would walk to his house and sit at the foot of the driveway, patiently waiting for the boys so that we could walk to the bus stop together. Scott and Chris would come out the front door, Lisa waving goodbye. Scott would see me and make a stupid joke, and Chris would hand me a toaster waffle. 

During the summer, the Evans' driveway was our playpen. Chris started his nerf gun collection at a young age, and every summer, we would have water gun tournaments. The other kids on the block would join in, but they never really mattered. It was always truly between Scott, Chris, and I. Even when we played other games, like capture the flag or tag, we would only go after each other.

But now, as I pull up to Chris' house, his driveway seems smaller than I remember. My chalk designs have been long washed away by years of rain, but the memories remain. Even when a bunch of cars block me from parking close, I hold the sentiment close to me.

When I pull my keys out of my ignition, I sit back with a sigh. Just through that front door was Chris. And my appearance could either mean the end of our relationship for good, or the mending of it. My knees seem to shake when I stand to my feet.

I shoot Scott a text that I'm here. I make it halfway up the driveway before he texts back, and my stomach drops.

Char, it says. I was right.

What? I reply instantly, stopping in my tracks.

You'll see, he texts back.

I quicken my pace up to the door and knock, my knuckles weak. When no one answers, I exhale loudly. But I can't hesitate now. If I hesitate now, I'll start to think, and then I'll start to overthink. If I overthink, I'll start to regret all of this, and I refuse to turn back now. I reach for the doorknob, and boldly decide to let myself in.

Scott waits just inside, reaching for the door, about to let me in himself. "Oh," he says, dropping his hand. His eyes are wide, but not by my appearance. Something else has him on edge. "Chris is right over here."

I swallow. "Scott, what's going on?"

He shakes his head. "You'll just have to see for yourself."

He motions me further into the house, and I spot many familiar faces. Family members of Chris, all of them recognizing me as well. Chris' grandmother sees me first, a woman who Scott is convinced loves me more than she loves him.

When she sees me, her eyes light up, her arms already extending for a hug. "Charlotte!" she exclaims loudly in delight. A bit too loudly.

"Shhhh!" Scott screams at her, instantly rushing over to her and waving his hands wildly. "Hush, Nana, please! God!" Nana shoots him a dirty look, and proceeds to give me a hug in silence. No wonder she likes me more than Scott.

But it was too late. Before I can withdraw from Nana's embrace, I hear his voice behind me. "Charlotte?" Chris inquires from behind me, and I cringe against Nana's shoulder.

I pull away slowly, the hairs on my spine rising. Suddenly, my heart is in my throat, and I'm too scared to turn around and face him. Luckily, the rest of Chris' relatives converse among themselves, and only Scott, Chris and I felt the tension. Just the three of us, as it's always been.

Carefully, I turn around and meet Chris' gaze. His eyes are wide, his corneas a darker blue than normal. He seems to freeze altogether as his gaze lands on mine, the same way he froze when I caught him trying to cheat on a test in 4th grade.

But the sight of him makes me fall apart. "Chris," I breathe, a mere exhale from my lungs as I surge towards him. Despite myself, I walk into his arms, his embrace tight and warm. I never should have listened to Scott. The way Chris holds me now proves that he isn't hiding anything. Besides, nothing is worth losing him over.

Except Chris pulls away first, and I can't help but frown. "Charlie," he says, holding me at arm's length. "What are you doing here?"

Catching you in a lie...? "Um," I swallow. "I just... couldn't leave things like that between us. I love you, Chris, and I want to be with you."

Chris' eyes darken. He shakes his head, rubbing at his temple. "Can we talk later?" he says with a loud sigh. I reel back and look to Scott for support, but he ducks his chin.

"Later?" I echo, feeling wounded.

"Now's just not a good time, Char," he tells me. Except his eyes aren't on me. They're moving rapidly about the room. His hands, still on my shoulders, start to usher me towards the front door as he glances around. I feel my stomach lurch.

"Chris?" I whip around, trying to hold my ground. I'm so focused on making sure that he doesn't kick me out, that I didn't realize another voice spoke the same time as me, calling out Chris' name as well.

I see her poke her way through Chris' relatives, her tone sweet and clear as it reaches our ears. As my eyes land on her, Scott lunges to grab my arm to pull me away, but I knock him aside.

She sees me as well, and her eyes light up. "Charlie!" she exclaims, a kind smile on her face.

I don't return the sentiment. I bite my lip and look to Chris, but he's staring at his feet, guilty. So, I think bitterly. Scott was right after all.

"Danielle," I say, leveling my gaze with hers. I once felt joy whenever looking into her eyes. Long ago, when she dated Chris, she was always so nice to me--the older sister I never had.

But if she's my sister, I recognize, my eyes lowering to her rounded stomach, then I am about to become an aunt.

Dani notices my gaze and releases a small laugh. "Yes, yes," she says, resting a hand to her belly. "We were just as surprised as you are. Weren't we, Chris?" She looks with wide, innocent eyes to Chris, and I want to vomit.

"Chris," I say sternly under my breath. "Is... that baby yours?"

I don't know whether to be mad or upset. Dani is the reason he has a feud with Parker. Chris told me that he was the reason she lost her baby, and he was the reason her parents had her fixed to never have a chance at children again.

Yet here she is, as pregnant as a Kardashian.

Finally, Chris releases a long exhale. "Yes," he says slowly. He refuses to meet my eyes. "Dani is pregnant with my child."

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