Noodles or Death

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I decided I would go with Pigsy and Tang to go to the market. It had been a few weeks and we had used up most of the stuff I bought before.

Pigsy had a carrot in hand and was admiring it. "Ho ho! Now this is a beautiful carrot! Couple more finds like this baby and we're golden!" Pigsy praised the vegetable.
Tang takes the carrot and looks at it. "Looks the same as the last 20,000 carrots we've looked at!"
Pigsy snatched the carrot back. "Give me that. I wouldn't expect you to appreciate a fine carrot like this. You ain't no culinary genius," Pigsy laughs, "Like me!"
I piped up with my arms crossed. "You two fight like a married couple sometimes, my word." 

A woman chuckled and we all looked in her direction. "My, my, my! You boys are making quite a scene. Looking to buy some ingredients? Something tasty~? You've come to the right place." The woman blew a kiss, me and Tang looked at each other with a confused look.
"Uh... oh! Come on, Pigsy, let's just keep going." Tang's words fell on deaf ears as Pigsy was in front of the Woman's stand. "Huh?"

Pigsy laughed, "Y-you are selling beautiful vegetables today?" Pigsy stuttered, not looking at anything but the Woman.
"Are you blind?" Tang looked in the baskets, sounding slightly salty.

"That's right, sugar, this is the finest store in the whole market." She spoked to Pigsy as if capturing him in a trance.

"I don't know about finest store.." I whispered to Tang, chuckling. "Maybe the creepiest."

Pigsy went to go follow before Tang put a hand on his shoulder. "Pigsy, I'm not sure, uh-" Pigsy grabbed Tang by the collar and begged "Don't wreck this for me! I need this!" 
Tang gasped as he was grabbed and had a concerned look on his face, I shared this look as I did not have a good feeling about this.
"A little closer, a little closerr~!" The woman beckoned us to follow, me and Tang hesitantly followed as Pigsy strut with no hesitation what-so-ever.
Before we knew it, we were all standing on a trap door and we fell, hearing the echoing laughter of the woman.

The last time I ever go out to the market with Pigsy, I swear. I thought before passing out.




I woke up in a web cocoon next to Pigsy and Tang who were cocooned together.
"You just had to go in there." Tang rolled his eyes, sounding annoyed and salty.
Pigsy scoffed and responded with attitude. "She said she had ingredients."
"I don't think that's what you were looking for, Pigsy." Tang replied, sounding very salty now.

Jealousss? I thought, chuckling to myself. That is- until we heard another voice.
"You tell him. No one likes a know-it-all." The male voice spoke, followed by another one.
"Know-it-all? You're the know-it-all!!" The second male voice argued
"I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to the  new suckers!" 

The woman's voice returned, hushing us. "Sh, shshsh hush, hush, hush. Babies, quiet time. The Queen is back." A spider demon entered the room, grinning.
"What do you want? Money?" Pigsy asked before his mouth was shut by a spider web.
"What could I want, hm? I used to be the most feared creature in the land. I wasn't a queen, I was the queen. Empress of Terror and Mistress of Horror. But now, ugh, just look at this place. Look what's left of my empire. Nothing but a hole in the ground. So, what do you think the Spider Queen could possibly want? Anyway, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. And you lot, will do." Spider Queen finished.
Tang spoke up, laughing nervously. "Uh, do for what?
Spider Queen chuckled and licked her lips. "Dinner!~" She left while laughing maniacally.

Pigsy and Tang began to shake in fear as I spoke up, snickering nervously. "Ahaaa- Uhm, Mrs. Spider Queen, Ma'am? I guarantee I do not taste good, no matter how much seasoning you put on me-"
Spider Queen glanced in my direction before laughing. "Aren't you that monster boy that accompanied that Monkie kid?"
"Monster-?" I asked, cut off by very loud mumbling from Pigsy. I gave him a very confused look and Tang stayed quiet.

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